Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, anetaniiedfroM CHILI IT $ Prieltly-Ciffice. offred up himfelf here a facrifice, and had not gone into Heaven, theholy of holiett, and carried the power and the vertue of hisdeath thither, to pray and intercede for us, he had not done the work of the great High-Prieii. Every Nett might facrifice, but every Priett might not go into theHoly of Holiett, that belongedonly to the High-Priefi todo. Now, therefore, jefusChringoing intoHeaven, the Holyof Hellen, there to make Interceffion for us, is the :great, and the fpecial work of thisHigh-Prielt. That Imaydeer up this myfterious 1 rush, I (hall deliver my feltthefe Four waies ; by opening. irft, Wherein the Intercejlion of Chrifi oonfifieth and what be doth when we Jaybe intercedes in Heavenfor M. Secondly, How powerfull, andprevailing his Intercerions are with God the Father. Thirdly, That he dot' now intercede at our great High-Priefi and in a more tranfcendent andeminent way and manner, than e- ver any High-Prieff did before. Fourthly, Abs does conduce to our Comfort, rind to our Holi- nefl. Firft, If it be demanded, Wherein confifietb this Interceffl- *cp. on ofyefus ? I Anfwer. Anfr Firfi it confiji in this: His appearing forus in 'Heaven, I. his owning of ourCaufe, and of our fouls toCod the F4- ther : It is the word that is, ufed in that g. Chapter of the Hebrews, the 24. verfe. Chrift is not entred into the holyplace madewith bands, but into Heaven, now to appearin the prefence ofGod for us. He does not in anordinary way, and man- ner appear for us in Heaven ; but with anEmphafis, beams openly, and publickly, before all the Saints and Angels, appear for us in thepretence of Cod the Father. It is a comfort unto a man, fometimes, tohave agood friend at Court, at the Kings tlbow, that may own him, and ap, pear for him : but though a man havea friend at Court, fometimes if there be any danger, he will not appear, and own-a man; it may be he will owiahim, andcountenance 4 2, his