Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

5 z Thegreat Gofpel-Myftery oftheSaints comfort andholineff AMMtlattAttArAMALtl oor.A0- Et. A,OtteUia Mgaik104IUMTVRiarati Preached atStepney May. 9. 647 SERMON II/. HEBREW -ES 2. 17, IS. herefore in all things it behoved him, to be made like unto dais brethren, that hemight be a merciful, andfaithful High. Priefi, in thingspertaining to godlinefl, to make, reconcili. ation for the fins of thepeople. For in that He bimfelfe ?lathfu,ff`ered being tempted, be is able tofuecour them that are tempted. eplepAtk, Ehave found already, That the work of O the High-Priell was, and is, To Satisfie, and to Intercede for the fins of the peo- y. P e 0, op.F. Now ifwe inquire farther,wefhall find VUanivie, aifo, That thework of the High-Prieti -4r V v was, and now is, To offer up thegifts ofthe peopleunto God: 7o prefent our, Prayers, Praifes,Duties, Servi- ces, and all piritual Performances unto God the Father, and to procure acceptance ofhim. Thiswas done thus : In the times of Mofe",in theTabernacle there weretwoParts, or Courts; (as we reade in the 9 . Chapter of theHebrewr)In the one, whichwas called, The Holy of Holieft ; there was the Arke, the Mercy-Seat, the Cherubims of glory, and the golden Cenfer. In the other, there wasthe Brafen-Altar, upon which they offered facrifices, there was the table of Shewbread, the golden Candleflick, and thegoldenAltar, uponwhich incenfe was : This isexprefly laid down in the 2, 3, and verfes of that 9, of.Hebrews: ,For there wenataber. ?tack