Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

To the R eade:r. This is all we have to advertift thee touch ing thefe cbolfe ufefullLegur es. For the Au- thor ofthem (whom we very much love and honour) we muff beare witneye, that when he frit preached them from the bofoine of 7efus Chrifi (his Matter) to many tempted bleeding hearts in and about this populous City , he had not then the leap thought tofufer them in Print toTerve the Publique. But afterwards , eye ing the voice of God in the multiplied de- fires and greedy expegations both offriends and firangers. , his conflant Auditors (though ofdifferent judgements) in their private Jbee ches and Letters ; and to prevent a further inconvenience, [ fc. the publifbing them by forte who had impefeg Notes in their hands] M.w.m. was neceffitated to depute u/s [in his abfence at Yarmouth) to hand out into the world this -,-Ap staViv ap, Copy, which was exactly penned from his c4,e6t tongue, by that his beloved AmanueMis and riM° fince kept charily by him as a precious thing 1,14. conmutted to his trait. The ME=