Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

54 Thegreat Gofpel-Myftery ofthe Saintscomfort andholinefl : weft. nfw and carried his Intercetlion intoHeaven, caufinga cloud of fweet perfumes to arife upon the Mercy-Seas: which itil he does, whilft we are praying herewithout, he mingling all our Duties with his Interceffions ; and fo toking all toge- ther as one, prefentsit untoGod the Father for oar accep- tance. And thishe does.now as our High- Priefi; for ifwe look into this bookof theHebrews, we !hall find, That the Apoale fpeaking of the High Prieft, relating unto Jefus Chrift ; faies,in the 5. Chapter and the I. verfe, That it was his work tooffer Gifts : That he may offer bothGifts and facrifices. And fo in the8. Chapter and the 3. Yerf. Every High-Frill is ordained to offer'Gifts and Sacrifices. Thus we have another great work, ofour great High-Prieft; which is, To offer up all our Prayers, our Duties, our Gifts unto God the Father : which if ye will, we may call another part ofChaffs Interceffion ; but I handle it diftinEt. Now that I mayopen &deer thisgreat Gofpel-Myliery, I [hall endeavour to difcover : Firft, What yefig Chriff, our High-Frill, cloth, when be does offer up our Gifts unto God the Father. Secondly, What abundance offavour, and acceptance, this our great High-Priefi himfelfbath in _Heaven. Thirdly, That he doth improve all that his own acceptance, for our acceptance ; planting all our Duties upon his own accep tance, upon that acceptance thathe bath with the Father. Fourthly, What abundanceofacceptance therefore we have, in allour Duties by him. Fiftly, How this doth conduce toour Grace, and :stow Cons- fast? Firff, What doth our Lord and Saviour Cbrif, I our great High-Prieft when he offers rep our Gifts _unto God the Fa- ther >. Firft, He cloth take_ ourperfons, and carries thentin lento God theFather, in a unperceivable wayto us. He knows, that if our Perfon be not firft accepted, our Duty cannot be 'ac- cepted. Love me, and love my Duty ; love me, & lovemy Service : hate me, and hate myService. In the Cdvenant of