Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, and appliedfromCHRISTs Prieftly-Office. 69 fbalt thoumake it ; verfe the r . A cubit(hall be the length there- of, verfe the a. The Altars is for Incenfe ; 'tis the matter that nowwe are upon:: Acubit 'ball be the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and two cubits (hall be the bighth ther- of. Now in the 4i .Chapter of Ezekel, he fpeaks of the Altar in the times of the Gofpel : and (faith he) at the 22 . verfe, ('tis the Altar ofincenfe that there is prefcribed to be made, the Altar ofwood, ofShettemwood.) The Altar ofwood was three cubits high, and the length thereof two cubits. And yet again, this altar of incenfe in the times ofthe Go- fpel, is to be as largeagain,as that in the times of theLaw ; as high, and as long, and as large again. In the times of theLaw, times of the old-TePament; a poor foul might go unto the High-Prieft, and might challenge a right in him, and might fay, That his Service, and his Duty, and his Sacrifice was accepted by the High-Prieft. If in the times of the Old-Teftament a man ,might fay fo .; much more may a poor foul nowgounto JefusCh rift, our great HighPrieft, and fay, That his Service, and his Duty, and Sacrifice, is accepted through him. Here is abundance of Comfort unto the Saints : beofgoodcomfort,all you that dobeleeve. But, How doth this make unto our Wollner?, untoHolineft of life? We conk;indeed, that there is abundance ofComfort in this, That the Lord 'elmCoq, our great High-Priejt, takes all our Gifts,and al our Prayers, andprefints them to God the F ather,and that inbill acceptance, we have acceptance: but Ipray, how doth. all this conduce to our Holinejl of life ? Much everyway : Fait, Incafe I be Ungodly, a Wickedman : Hereis that that may for ever keep me, from oppofition to the good wayesofGod. I havefaid fornetimes (may awicked man fay) concerninggodly mens duties, That it was their Hy- pocrifie: And I have faid concerning Cuch and filch Pro- feffors, Thisis your Pride, and this is your Singularity ; and I have oppofed with all bitternefs,and earneftnefs, the prayings, and wreillings,of forne of Gods people? But is this melt. Anfn