Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Thegreat Gofpel-Myftery ofthe Saintscomfort andholinefl : fee infinite reafon, why I fhould receive every Truth that .comes from, Chrift, though accompanied with many fa" -Hugs in him that fpeak s it. The Lord Jefus Chrift, he ac- cepts ofevery prayer,andduty that comes fromme; though it have manyweakneifes : yea, he takes my Prayer, and car- ,ries it into the prefence ofGod the Father for acceptance, my poor Prayer, labouringwith many weakneffe6 : Then when aTruth comes fromChrift, (hall not I accept ofit what though the Minifter, or Preacher that fpeaks it, I a- bourwith this or that weak/leis ? There is Pride, or there is Come mitcarriage in the delivery, or the like : Shall the Lord Chrift takemy Prayer, labouring under infirmity, andaccept thereof, and carry it into the prefence of God the Father for acceptance, notwithftanding all the failings ofmy Duty ? and (hall not I accept of Truth that comes fromChria, notwithfiandhig all the failingsof the poor, aneffenger that brings it ? 3. Further, 7bemore Evangelicalyou are inyour Obedience, the more Holy ye are in your lives. This truth that is now before ye, well ftudied and confidered, will make youmore Obe- dient in an Evangelical way. And ye than find therefore, hat theLord himfelf from Heaven does make this ufe ofit: pray confult with the 17. of Matthew, and the 5. verfe. This is my beloved Son inwhom d am wellpleafid: hear ye him. Thole words follow, Hear him. Hearingnotes Faith, and Obedience; not a bare Hearing with the,ear. Compare this, andthe fame fpeech together, which ye have in the 3. of Matthew, and the 57. verfe. Lee, a vnyce fromHeaven, fayin6This,is my beloved Son in whom I am wellpleafed. Beare ye him,is not there in the 3..of Matthew; but here in the 17. of Matthew, thefe words are added, Heare ye him : What fhould the reafon be, that, Hear ye him, should be added here lathe i7. ofMatthew, and not in the 3.-of Mat. thew ? Give me leave to giveyou fome reafon for it, fo far asmay make toour prefent purpofe: Not to fayany thing of that whcihMofes laid, In-his daies a Prophet will the Lord your God rage upunto ye like untome, hear ye' him. And