Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

A view of the whole Revelation.` envy. 3. The fecond by Martin Chemnici A, upon the Councell of Trent , whereby the (ea ofdopilhdoctrinewas madefall of filthy matter , and Carrion like contagion by the lcfnutes, the Meer: of controverJies. 4. The third, by William Cecill upon the 5efu- arcs, whoare the Fountaines of popiJh Dolgrinc, uutitl when our comes prooceed. The refl of theVials arc to come, yet Pertlyo be powred out. 8. The fourth upon the Sun , that is, the Scriptures, with the light whereof menfhall be tormented, and fhall break out into ercat anger and contentions. to. Thefrft upon the City of Rome, the Throne of the boll. 1s. The ftxe upon Euphrates, whereby a way fhall be prepared for the Imes of the Eiji, that after ;bey have embraced the faith of the Gofpcll, theyfhould return into their omne Counrrcy , when therefhall be a great preparation of war , part =shei'urke a- gainfl thefenew Chrtflians in theEaft, partly by the Topein the ¡tf. t7. The famish upon thegyre, whereby the myfiery (ball be made perfeN , the furkiJh and PotiJh name be- ing both quite dellroyed, the Church alfo being ftablifhed in as great happinefe as can bee looked for upon theearth. Ch. 17. t. The (rr{1 execution of the fife Viall upon the Throne of the Beall, wherein it jha11 be dentonfirated by mofe certain argumencs,by fome man ofnogreat account in the world, both that Rome is the feat ofAnticbrill, and that it became that (eat finer the Roman Empereurs were banifbed thence. Ch. 18. The (eondexecution of thefife Vial!, is the fnall deiirutïion of the City of Rome by three Angels. t. The f rft defer nding out of heaven. 4. Thefrond exhorting 'the Romans to fight , and deferibing both the lamentation of the wicked , as al(o the joy of the faithfitll. at. The third confirming this everlalling des7ruífion by agreatMellfrone call, into the fea. Ch. t 9. Thejoyof the Saints is described becaufe of the deflrulíion of Rome. S. The fixe Viall is explayned,and thecalling of the 5ewes is taught. A preparation likereifeof War, partly inrefpelt of Chriff the Captain, and Souldiers, partly in refpell of the enemies. so. The feventh Viall is declared by the &lima ionof the falfe Prophet the Pope ofRome, the wellern enemieand hisarmies. Ch. zo. a. Thewhole Rifleryof the Dragon is repeated , fuch as be was in the heathen Empereurs before his imprifonment. z. Such' as he was in prifon, whereintobee was cafi by Confiantiuc, and houndfor ahundred ycares all whichfpace there was a contention be- tween the clef and the Pope of Rome, and after that was at length ended, thefirff Refur- relliou is brought to pafe , many from allPlaces in theWeli,with all their endeavourfeeking to attain to the fincere Religion. 7. Together with this Refurrclfion Satan 4 loofed,and theeTurke with the Scythian: Gig andMagog, who nowdefiroying a great part of the earth,(hall at length turne their forces againfl the holy City ; that is , the levees that (hall believe, inwhich Battell the Turkrfb name fball be quitedefaced.. t t. The fecond Refurrellion fr brought to paffe by the fecond and full calling of the loves. Ch. ar. The 141 artof the (event!)Vtalldefcribeth thehappinefe of the Church af- terall the enemies of ii be vangieiJbed, bÿ thenew lcrufalcm. defcendingoutofheaven,being ofa mollglorious workmanOip. Ch. zz. 7. It is declared how this happinefe (Ball abound both with drinkeand with meat to the ufe ofothers , and fhall rcmàinefor ever.. 6. Theconclufion confirmed) the whole Prophefic,withmany mofe effelïuall 4rgumcnts.