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r A view of the whole Revelation. Ch. to.' J. At Oat time the Turks rife tip, theffudyof the truth'inmany in;the we- ffernparts is kindled: 9. By whole indeavour the interpretation of Scripture is re/toted again IQ the earth. Ch. tr.. a. Prophefe being reflored,tbere role a moreful knorolcdge ofthe agepaff,name ty, that the Churchfrom Conftantires time, for t 2.4o.year:, roar bidden in the (ecret part of the Temple, the Romansin the mean tame boafting of the holyCity, and out-molt court. y. And that at theend of thofeyears the Bifhop of Romefhall wage roar againft the Church, fhall cut the throat of the .5 criptures with his Councell of Trent ; yea make very earkaßes n f them triumph over themfor three years anda Wife, fhould alto by thehelp of force and artier ,Çhatler thefift, tread upon the Saints in Germany, whoyet after threeyears and ahalfe, livedagain in the men of Magdeburgb and Mauritius, ftroke the energies with agreatfear, and overthrew be tenth part of the Empire of Rome. n ç. The (event)) Angel fsundeab, andabout theyear t S 58. Chrift gated' himfcl fnew Kingdoms,Englaird,Ireland, Scotland, embracingthe Cofpell. Ch. t t. Thefrftpart of the reveal' Trumpet givethyet a morefull light into theflare of the agepaft ; the Century writers of Magdeburg') being rayfed up by God. The whole mat- ter is repeated from thebeginning, and we are taught ; t. That thefirft Church oftheApo ffies was muff pure,yet moft of all affli9ed by theDragon,that is ,theRoman heathen:A Em Acrours, who endeavouredwith all their might, tbat no way might be given to any Chrifti,tn to the higíifrÉmpire. s. At length that Conífantine thegreat was born the male chide ofthe Church, at whole birth, though thefirff purity fled into the wildernef fe from the eyes of raen, yet this Conftantine threw down the Dragonfrom heaven, the hearbenifhEmperours being driven out, and put from ever reigning again to or againft the Church. t ;. That all hoftilt power being taken jrom tise Dragon, be perfecuted the Church under the Chriftiun name by Conffanttus and Valens. 15. And that he fought to over- whelme her, fe,ing from him, with an inundation of Barbarians rufing in upon the weft. t7. Which flood being dryed up,he furred up the war of the Sara ens. Ch. t ;. i. The Dragon being raft out ofheaven by Conftantine,lie fubilituted the Beall to be bis Vicar there, which Beifl is the Popeof Rome,who fprung upat once witjlconflan tine, was madegreat by the Nicene Councell, was wounded by the Gothes invading Italy, was belledby lullinian and `Phocas,and thenceforthmadegreater than ever before. i :.The fecond Beall is the fame Pope of Rome, inlarged in his dimenfion,tby Piptne andCharles the great, whogave him anew kindof fpringing up, whence he grew extrcam wicked. Ch. 14. For t000. yearsfromConflantine, the Church abiding in moli (certe places ,war hidden together withChril3, but didno great matter famous and remarkable by the world. 6. Thole moo yeares being ended , 13 rekliff preached the Gofted in the World. .8. lohnHuffe and leromofPrague(ueeeededbim,wbo threatrrcd thefall ofRome.9.sAfter theeefolloweth MartinLuther inveighing moll bitterly againit the PopeofRome. s 4.After that there it a-iraraiell made in Germany by Frederike of Saxony, the ref; of the Proteflant Princes and tiiefree Cities. 17. And after that,A vintage in England by Thomas Crom- wet and Thomas Cranmer. Ch. i y: Hitherto reachetb the Cali part of thefeventb Trumpet concerning things pall. t. A preparation of things to come, is of the leven Angels with their Vitals. z. TheRe- formed Churches diffcnt among themfelves, yet all triumph over the Pope ofRome beingvan piped. }. TheTemple is opened, and knowledge increafeth, and the Cititens ofthe Church aremade the Miniflers of the last plagues, the ifluewhereof, the new people of the 5ewes ex- pel!, before they come to thefaith. Ch. 16. The Vialls are pouredout. The PO by our molt gracious . ueen Elizabeth and other Proteltant Princes, by meaues,whereof the pupil)) crtte are filled full of ulcerous envy, 1