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Hypa- critícall Satdi; . > :/iiitotigtionof.t/Opeittly?fa.O. patronage of his bad caufe, to flee to the HU/miry, and to_maintain manyother things about the humanity of C:;hrift, . which were difloo- nant framthc truth. But by reafonof the heatofeontention,he_conldì le&give confider of thingbihatifohemighthave,underw Roodby.thofebeginnings, andlighter.paee les, that Godwasan.0 gry with him. How came ir, that heedid: not take heed to.keep himd felte from that errour,whichdrew with-it.fushacompany of wicked opinions? Why feared he ,riot whatmight happenwothers, having tryed inhis .own experience , to iwh2iu fireightshe wssdriten;jndifa putation?Bur his eyes were holden,ti9athe couldnotforefee,andturn away this fo grievous a judgement, that was:to come upon tholethat wereof his fide. Wherfor'e their works wire not full, becaufe there was no fullreformation made, butone erroùnwes only:,ct ngtdrinto. another, middle dangerous. NowGodas.. wetft tourevengefi finer ithfìnne. 3.. Remember ther'efore,¢c. Here is theother remedy of remëtrt., bring, and repenting. . Theod.Bexir turneth it, Remember What thing: thou haft received; rand fo indeed. the particle Tail S, boW,freemeth fometimesYobetaken.. For:that'which iszrt Marke c rake:besed .T4 What yee hear, hap.q.zq Lope relateth thus,' Take heed TO S howyee hear, Chap.8,a S. But feting he Paid even now , that their Work( were notfull before goda lace. feemeth scot fó much to exhort them to retain the things they had received(orfo they Coould have peddled in their ancient .erroursj-asemeaber the manner how they received them. So that PO S, hoW,.here in this placeought to abide in theproper fignification, as noting out rather the quality of the thing,thenthe fubftance. He admonifbeth therfore the Sardisnt, that theywould return to the nrft Inftirution and that they would amend the things thatwere decayedby the rule of that alone; even as he doth alfo.adtxonifh the Churchof Germany, that they would, . think what Luther propoundedunto them at thebeginning,and that they would let upon a reforoation, according to that rule. Now he at the beginningaymedat nothingelfe, then that all humane de. vicesbeing puttoight, the truth of-God alone,that was manifed in the Scriptures infpired fromGod, might have the dominion.For fo in the Prefaceof the Allertionofthe Articles condemned by theBull ofLeo the tenth,hefai th,Firft/coil them to recordef thin my Protefa- tio>e, that 1Will be urged to yceld. bysoman: authority , though he be sever fo'boda Father,but as for au he Jhhall be appravedby.the judge- mentof the divine Scripturei.- Again; Let "therefore the farfprinci- pies