Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

CAiP. 4.1Zgrotlation,iftlir'Aralytift ter Pler a+f Chrißian& , be no :other, but theWord of God; but at for ttip Hvpd- Werd& of all raten; let th'etrs'ibe a& ccnclufonr deducedfrom thtt, and to be at,tièatt reduced thither .orga! aaasobe reprbved thene. Thole*oatought Satdìt. f tabe ìnaftlsiiixrly krtoVicte 'every ,,;>,e; 40d)Wa nat to be foughtfor ,' and learnetfiof:'iir'"r *pit Mtn-at-2 to be jre!el e,by them. Vponwhich occaftan hé. òirettlrthat fpeech of 4,>,,,',efiin3,. ifso%, 3. of the Trinitie ; fäying, De?tsot r.hotkenthrall thy f if., unto rrty ti iriias, ire #7 they, tvere Castonirit11, 41-er,Micnitrit. notroiitréfärc dit Books of Luther;ag,ihe vbsljuirá Vtlil thofelt''", 'that dóedrrtzpt theSacrament, with that late ittird'word a ZeStii17404 Couliab- flumiaition. But as he fit to be wife oirr of c:,e scrip ure4 alone, fo all his"vwri, ir,gs ate to be recalled to holy balla,10:Why f&aatàid wegive moreau öitto til4bóokç, Wöitlí4 hámetobe givem,ie>tthertd%ot4t@rmen+tl600ls, orerto his It is matter truly of great írhetnt, á-tid wherein áiórielyetlr die tur- ninga.way of the immtnentinifchiéfe. Vnletfe men turn their eyes hither-wards ,.and bend "rhe;ir jets tohearken to the 'voice of che Sctiptures, itltail t Ittd that-witftallfpeed, Chofe thing's wh[chxÌïdy <ihalt',Orrttninci,' there tetttaineth a fcourge for %gerneasAj¡.niOri bidettheft thatwhielt'haEhhittierto not lightly afEli:. Eied it. What godly mandoth notconceive great griefe,récòunting withhsnr'tfelfethedet}ratftrohof fo many of the brethren , bymeans of!thatpernicious errour, fo longa difagreeing`o4; miflds, filchbittet combats bothbywórdazidvwràpoty? But-yet 110Mull needsbe more 'iaetçtG;^as oft as' lie tonfidetEtF,, that there isas yet ho etici of thefe evtis-; but that fume thing more grievous, then any thing that hatlt yót befaln thém, cloth prefíe fore upon them, unleírethev doquickly scpent. Fronk! not but admonifhthe brethrenconcerriing the dan- gerAlirthofe,t"vhóniI'do in thebowelsofiefus:l;hrifl: defire to be ¡it gt`eatlionouY:tktdiha"ppins,I thotild hear to be wretched and plagued of God;tott{g>great heurts g'riefe.AndThope,howfoevermv judge- mentmay'be troubleí`áfn,yèt"tny goodwill fhall not be unacceptable: But if "thoulbaline34tiateh , IWill come. The danger which h?t; tfirt_atneth; i.r ais>áìtvsa"Thiefe , and,tiat át á time tint loolral for. iFe dáifi notréYëlr1+ Iiít4hà1 kitid'of Zvill Ihall tomeupon thnri , thòugti?t tiliÿ i*t4 tb "Tbrt be gathered out of the fimilitude, whitrhis;often ¡Min torigitifie the unlooked for in Vallonof an enemy, but feeing ttiette$tVlords aymat this, neir/Oer jlr thou ilna1eaja3ni11bÌOat ,9r)ur`"1till`a;oiiri: ar:fl°tßeei-i3 doth per- liaps màarn aere fotlìteiEntti,tttat`T,4ta`i`d`Orfe á .raleitee, fGch