Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

i ö 8i3 The Popes Spe£iacles, or I he Dragon thefirtt Adverfary was def}royed by Confantine the great inoverthrowing Dioclefán, "Maxentine and Maximinian Anno 3 t I. he began his Raigne Anno306. or 307. After the overthrow of the Dragon, a Beaft arifeth prefently out of the Sea : which Brightman expounds erroneous doftrine, fo like- wife bath he Ecclefiafiacall Government. And in Contantines time Rome was called the lira Sea, Contantinople the fecond, Alexandria the third, Ant-loch the fourth, and erufalem the fifth. And fo the Romanifhs at this day ttyle the Popes jurifdietion. Theother beaft rifeth out ofthe Earth, which is the Popes fpiri_ tuall and Temporali power, or rather his deare friends, the Anti- chriftian Emperours; becaufe it is Paid verle r I. that this beaft cauueth ali that dwell in the earth to worfhip the fide Beaft, which is the Pope; for they werehis lint builders and are his chide pillars, &ç. He is likewile called the Beall which was and is not,¿'hap. i7, r I. by which is meant the Romane Empire, in the Weft, which lay voide three hundred twenty five yeeres , from Augufiulru, to Caroho Mamma. Alfo, the Beaft was taken, and with him that falle Prophet which wrought miracles, &c. Chap. 19. 20. which feeme to make them tobe two diftinét perlons. Thus allo is Rome plainely defcribed to be fet on (even hills and rulingover the Kings of the earth : which make Bellarmine and Rfbira bothIefreites to confeffe that Reme is the Whore theremeant. Rome alto maintaines Idolatrieand Superftition in herReligion,Go- vernment, and Policie; which in Scripture is called Whoredome: then the Pope is not the Whore, but one of the Beafts or Bawds rather (if you will) to the Whore. For example; he maintaines Stewes in Rome, yeelding him yeerely q.0000. Duckets, and recei- vethyeerely ofCurtizans g0000. Duckets, and granteth difpenfa- tions to his Cardinals to ufe Sol/merry in the three hot moneths of the yeere. I would know ofany Iefuite whether the Pope can pardon a finne before it be committed &c. As he did Henry the 8. to marry his brothers wife : the King of Spaine his Neece : the Arch - clutches, Albcrtne, whom fhe might call, Brother, Uncle, and Cozen. And Co I leave it to the indifferent to judge, whether he be the Whore, the k;eafr, or a Bawd. The Whore is Paid to fit upon a Beaft, Revel. 17. the Pope is this whores only flay and prop, ( gmc:icfiit ?) And lo ,Napier and Rridh.