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i2,6 "Revelation ofthe Apocalypfe. C A P.3; juke,. ; 'other in teaching. In regard of that he is called e.5emex, according warwe . to that of the Apoftle, In him are allthe promifcs of God yea and A- vain-glo. wren, z Cor. r . 20. in refpec`t of this, he is called theFaithfdl and rlo La- True Witneffe. As touching that, Chrift taketh this name upon him- himfelfat this time, becaufehe fhould manifeft his verity molt nota- bly in thefe dayes, by keeping touch with this Church for per- formance ofhis promifes. ,But what are thofe promifes ? They are all the blefsings of Heaven,earth, cattell, children, peace, war, good health,and fuch like, whichare pròmifed in the law to thofe that will hearken to the voice ofthe Lord whereas all contrary curies are threatned to them that difobey it, Deut. 2.8. Which, how they were performed to the Laodiccan,r,itis not fo plainly to be Peen ofus, becaufe we want the light ofHiftorie to inform us herein.But for our England, therecan be nothing more deer, then the extraordinary goodneffe ofCod towards us inthis matter; For thefeforty and arc, yeers andmore, what great abundance of all good things hathhee poured upon this Bland ofours ? He bath given us a moft gracious Queen , fo excelling in all things that are praife-worthy, as the like toher no age ever taw ; together with her, bath he granted us peace. What good things hath not flowed from thence ? By means of that , Lawes are in force , Judgement is executed, every man en- joyeth his own, injuries are repreffed, all reproachful' dealing in word or deed is curbed in, the Nobilitie is honoured, the Commi- naltie fall hard to theirwork,good learning flourifheth, Handicrafts ara exercifed, Cities are gorgeoufl fet out, riches are increafed, our youth groweth up infinitely, the fields abound with corn , the pa- ftures with cattell, the mountains with fheep. What need many words .? From thisPeace it is that this land hath been a Haven and a Harbour lying open to fuck as were exiled. for Chriffs caufe; fuch as have been oppreffed by Tyrants have had aid and relief from hence, yea it is our chief, if not our only work, to helpe fuch as are diftreffedwithwants. Befides,we enjoy all thefe things,whiles our ears ring in the mean time, almpft on every fide, with thç Nati- ons that are in an uproar round about us, no left then they are beatenwith the waves ofthe fea,that doth environ us.Never hadEng- landfo long and, fo quiet Halcyon dayes ; which felicitieofours, for- raincountries are afionifhed at,our enemies gnash their teethagainft it with envy, and (whichonly miferáble) we our felves 'fcarce know and acknowledge what and whence itis. But bleffed be shy Name (0Amen,)that_art molt true,yea,eventroth, itfelf,who haft been