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C , P. 3. 1 í evelation ofthe Apocalypfe. 127 been the Author andContinuer of this peaceof ours, andof fo ma--J;z,kc ny great bleflìngs, that have flowed from thence unto ns. Thou by heaping fo many good things upon us,haft made the world to know, rain glc that thy Gofpel is not a beggarly , or niggardly guckt, that cometh ricus La- with little or nomoneyat all to pay forhis knot , but a very rich and odic bountifull one, that where he cometh , and findeth kind entertain- ment, openeth his full horn of bleffings , and filleth that placewith a bieifed and bouistifüll large& Preferve we befeech thee among us all there blef ings of thine;Yea,we doubt not,but thouthat art that r riven, wilt preferve and continue them, if we wouldmaintain thy trúth,. and would not with-hold it inunrighteoufnef e. That faithfull witneffe áß.dtrot° in his Words. The fecondproper- tie is his truth in teaching. For there words belong to thepropheti call office of Chrifl as hathbeen faidupon. the first verfe of the first Chapter ; where he is called faithfull, bccaufe of his diligence in his - labour, bymeans wherof he executeth his office with exceeding great faithfulncffe, whom thereforehis Father did not without caufe be truft withabufines.of to great moment. Hee is called true,becaufe of the fimplicit}', and uprightneffeof his fpeech, which is faire from all, even the le aft touch , of fo foule a fault as falihood in fpecch is. This property heregiven him, fheweth, that he should marvelloufly make known his holy nature unto this Church; by exercifing this kindof truth among them. But for'his faithfulnefiir,and truth (hew- ed in the Citie of Laodieea , wee have no more to fhew out of the Hiftories, then we had for the former. In the Counterpayn,that for- mer riches of his grace,is, if it be poffble , exceedingly furpaffed in this regard. For what good fhould have come to us by all other bleflïngs, if wee had, not had the free , and authorized liberty , to deliver and receive his laving truth ? But now from the first day es ofour mollgraciaus queenElizabeth,he hath rayfed up without inter- miflìon,patnfull and skilfull Paftours, and Teachers, who have prea- ched the Gofpel of falvation purely and fincerely. - Neither are there wanting through his infinit-mercie, many at thisday ,that fpend: themfelves, and all their labours, in making knownunto the people, the whole counfell of God, and that purely and fncerely,' without the mixture of any corrupt leaven of falfe doftrine. And yet one mrght,not without caufe , marvell,how it couldbe, that the doctrine of Goddhould remaine fo long uncorrupted'amorrgft Us, there be-) ingfuchdiffoluteneffe , and licentioufneffe in the lives of all men, and that becaufe a mammy have-a licenfe, as It were , to offend any ,t