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C t.3: ;110relationof theApocalypfe, '33 word in ufe withhim that would by fivearingmake hissword tobe of L ako.. credit; as if he fb.ould lay,Thr-as,.rfo,let this or that be cone unto mee, wrrn unit! - ac 1am rcfolveri to fpe*, thee oat of my moath. After which manner, tiousLa ac is ufed among the Latinifts, as in that Ode of Horace So let the od cca`. Goddeffe ooverne fe of Cyprmeg,c. is gim is obfervedby Henricut Ste-, ?luaus. And among the Hebritians, Acertthe. fame withSic, as in the P rophetlfay. So hebare their ficieffcr. That is , Certainly, truly, Chap.%3. 4. And Ecclef. Chap. #3. z o. And info Ifa* theWicked burned, That is, Ins truth, truly, cerperinly, as fogne will have it, Now this kindof concealingpart in Imprecations , is ofte:a ufed ; There- foreIfweare inmy Wrath, if they .lhalt enter intomy reff, Heb. ;. I I. I. Will come topaffe that I (hallfpeW thee. Aslarethwithmeats , thofe that be either hot or cold:, are retayncd by theftomack, be- caufe of the exceiTive quality , which maketh them to befell, and provoketh the itomack to receive them gladly ; but that is Luke- warme, becaufe it hallsa heat , whichis near to the ftomack.s heat. and with which it is belt acquainted,. is neither perceived and'felt, when it goeth in ; neither is therefore when it is entred in,conco- eted, but remaynethwithout working,, and at laft being .troublefbme with the longof it, is,caüt out of doors with loathing, like an unpro- fitable guelt. But wec muff take heed, that we weft not fimilitudes beyond their fcope ;. as if here wicked andopen fiances did con- > antly remains in Chrift , as cold meats do in the Iomack. For fuch kind of men, were never in Chrift ; neither doth hee teach what helimply, allovbeth of, but Whatheepreferred]. Betides , thefe wordsare referred tohis outward governmentof his Church, wher- in he do:h longer forbeatenotorioutly negligent men, or thofe that are ftrangers from him altogether , rather then the luke-warme , as the courfe of all times teachethus ,and as we fee this dayby experi.. ence in the Church of Rome, the which though fhe have rel ec`ted the truth, has yet ßourifhed outwardly a long time; whereas hedoth in the mean time corref& the.trueChurches out of hand , and dothnot deferre for a long while tochaftife them , if fo be that her!hall fee them to grow flack in their care,thoughbut a little,and by that means to lean But what is this to be fpeWcdout of his month? What will Chrift, in whofe lips and mouth the truth it felfedoth refide,takeawayhis truth from this angel, giving himover intoabfurd opinions,and that he fhould'again beleevea lye? The itch- ing delire indeed that many haveat. this day. , tobroach again to the people,monftrousopinions,, and fuch ashave been.already hind out, T a dock L