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Luke- warm vaine. glorious Laodicea f 34 íi revelationofthe Ap ocalypfe. C A P.3. Both make this interpretation probable. We know what hath been taught within thefe fewyeers in the fchooles,preachedufuallyy in fer- mons, difpnted publikely at Commencements,and what it is that was put inprintthe laíf Summer. But this (hould be thepunilhment of thepeople as well as ofthe Angels, to whoni'yet it feemeth to belong properly. Therefore I cannot tell what to fay certainlyof this mat- ter. The event (hall ere longmake it plain. In the mearse time let us know that this punifhment than be very dreadful. For firíf, Chrift (hail take great pleafure in carting away thisAngel froghimfelf.For what can be more acceptable teaman that is ítomack-ficke with eat- ing meate that he loatheth, and hath an appetite to vomit, then as foone as may be to be eafed ofthat which caufethhis fickneffe? Even as Mofes threatnethunto the Jewifh Apoftates; That the Lord }would evesfo reioyce,to deftroy themand "to cut them of, as he did before that, reioyce in doing themgood, Deut. 28.63. Secondly, thathe will cafe out this engel with great reproach. Tor an unclean place is fought for to vomit in, howfoever Antonius, when he was imployed aboutpub- like'affaires, did in an affembly of the people ofRoma, fill his bofom, and the whole judgment feat with gobbets ofmeat, which he did in a fhameful fort cat}up among them.Thirdly,that the angel (hall never recover hisformer dignity. Far be it from us tothinke that the mir- roar andauthour of all cleanneffe, fhould everreturn to his vomit a- gain..Now this punifhment was not to becommon to the whole churchofLaodicea,.but proper to the Angel alone, that is to allluke- WirmcPaflorars, partly, for that which wePaid right now; partly,be- caufe the Church is .wont to be fpoken ofexpretlely , where it is in_ treatedof;as inthat to the Angel of EphefusjjWillremove thy candle- fticke out of hüplace ,chap.2.5. Itfhall be therefore apunifhment pe- culiar to,theEcclefiaticail men, without the deftruc`tion ofthe whole Church. Neither is it to be doubted , but that which is here denoun- ced, befell the Asgei of. Laodicea; the which felffamething is alfo to be expected certainly ofthe Englifk Angels, unleffe they prevent it by repentance. For itfhall come to paffe, that that faithfull witneffe, fhalloverthrow this Whole Hierarchy, and will not fuffer men, that fee,keonly for honours and wealth,not the things that beCh rifts, to enjoy,nonotthis their falfe felicity. Certainly a great and thamefull. judgmentdoth.waite for there lul¿e lavarme men, the feare whereof, though it do not at all torment them, becaufe they have chafedaway all the noife ofir, with their Termagant-like carriage and courfes, yet howfoever allmen ziay be hu(ht and frilled ; he will =notfalte nor