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r 3 6 1Ze'velatia*of tbt Apörafypfe. CAP./. L410- prefentriches;thofe, have beenrich,to thofe that are paíc;and,thofe, warm ,l Want nothing, to the full conrentatioahehad itsthem. Outof which vain there inuf; needs arifebe4ides,an undoubtedperfwafionof the dure- odicgt. ahlenefre ofhis e4}tate and felicitie to remain conftant for ever after. Now it is tobe obferved, that he bringethin this Angel glorvin in hisownwords , o therwife then hathbeen done hitherto. And this was not in vain, feeing nothing can be fpoken rafhlyby the holy Goff. But yet as toaching the Angelof Laodicea,no fuchevident ap- plying of tholewords offers it felf` Inour church ofEngla#d! the a- greeableneffe is fomanifet , that nothing could be expre4fied ina more lively manner. For what other caufe can webringofour luke- Warmuaffe,whereby we make fuch a mingle-mangleofthe Popij go- vernment with pure Dollrine , then the love ofriches and honours ? Men cannot indure to have this morfell of earthly hope plucked out oftheir mouths, but they had rather have this demy, piety, this almoft- Chriflianirie , together with the injoyingof their totall fums ofmo- ney, then analtogether and abfoluteReformation with the loffe of them. And yet that they might not feeme to preferre any thing before the truth in a bafe and filthy manner, they do with fwellingw.rds blazon the happineffe ofour church, thus governed as it is,mnd there- by made fo happy,as they fay; and this they doboth in their printed bookes,and in their fermons. As we may fee by thewritings ofmany of them, which are comeforth in print in thefcyeers that be pafk. It was not for nothing therefore that the Holy cjhofábrangeth in this Angel boaflingofhimfelf, but the rein.hefetteth: beforeour eyes, .our notorious vain -glory. Now the firft bragis,. as wehave faid,;ofour prefent riches. HowBoth our Angel triutnphin this regard , and lift up his head above all other 'Rearmed Churches? In other places (faith he) theTa_/lorrs_ofrl e Chkrches mre poore ancfof.low degree, entice beranked well nigh the vulgar andbafe kinde ofpeople; nei- ther have theyanygreater authority then theirpietyand their Lear- ning canpurchafe unto them_: But our: %ifbops arethe-Peers ofthe Realme, above many noble men for honour, yea and equafl to any of thehigheff and greatefèEariet,for wealth,attcndance,ftazelinefle of Pallaces, and all other wordlypompe. Asfor theneat rankes ofthe Cleargy, howmighty, mafsieand. pudic are theygrownwith wealth? The Deans, the Arch-Deacons, the Prebendaries, the £ssecns Chap- lains: that have their Totquots of Benefice: as they call, them., heaped np one upon another , doe match Efquires at left. in yecrly Revenues. Doth not this trow ye, atnpljúe exceedingly the