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A P .3. ,fIrevelationofthe Apocalyp1e. 13 5 nor falfifie his word, whohath threatn,ed that he will be avenged ofLük,._ them. It is allo tobe feared,that the Church flaall feel force little cala M arm mity,as being infefted with the contagion®fthis fin. Suchas are the vaingfo- 4nQels,fuch doth the Church(for the moll parr,)prove ; and there is glorious no man fo rude& unexpert,that feethnot plainly that thewhole body Laodicca Both labour of the fame difeafe. But have mercyupon is (0 thou thait art the beginnin? of the Workmanfbip ofplod,) deal not With us according to ourfins. Thou k.noWegour mould WhereofWe aremade, even that We are earth& duft. Hour can it be that earthfkouldnot Wax cold ? Stir up Withinus the flame ofthy love; diffolve Ibefeecl thee this ourIcynefr, & finerus not to pleafe ourfelves asWe do inthis our piety by thehalves, but With thy heavenly fire kindle in tes afull &fervent love & dfare of coodncfs,that foWe may both avoid thineanger, Whreby thou might-eft be moved toabhor thefight oftie Ci We mightfor ever inioythofe pleafreres, Which thou grantefl to chafe_ in Whom thy foulc{elighteth..Amen. 17 For thoufayef#, I amrich. So muchfor his fiu.The caufe of it is double ; Thefalfe perfWafaonofhis Worthineffe, ind the ignorance ofhis mifery. That arofe from his abundance, of earthly, not of fpiritu- all wealth. For Chrift oppofeth to thefe riches, thofe which he bid- deth the Angel buyofhim in the next verfe. ,Neither could he have been luke-warme, if he had looked for -fpirituall riches from any other then from Chrift alone, but rather ffark 'cold, and eftranged altogether fromgrace, being abolifhed and fallen from Chriif and his grace, Gal. s.4. Now he feemeth to have abounded with earth- ly 'riches, becaufe of the wealthineffe of the City.which we fpake of,Chap. t. r i.Whichwas the caufe-perhaps that,rnade-Archippns more negligent in his miniftery, whence it was that Paul would have him admonilhed, Col.4. 17. Though little' fruit ofit followed after as it feerneth, feeing even till there dayes, wherein this Revelation was written,therewas fogreat matter ofglorying,and that not lately, but ofold gotten & provided. The plenty therefore of all things for the maintaining ofthis life,begat this lukeWarmnejfe. Neither is it ((range thatprofper'rty fhould clofely fl.eale'away the minds ofinen,anddraw them away from God. It is often commanded in theLaw, that they fhould take heed to themfelves, left when they were filll,,and cloyed with Gods blefíings through fulneffe , they fhould forges the Lord. Now here is a threefold boafting; the full, of his prefnt abundance- the fecond , of his long continuing abundance; the third , of hie full , and allfufficient abundance. For fo the words require, that thol words,,Lam rjcb, fhouldbe referred to his pram