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Árevelationofthe Ap ocalypfe. C A P . 3. L1i}{e_ is it to be doubted , but that he fhould be enough , and more then e- warm nough fitted forevery part of his funftion, who is provided of a vaino Prefentation, a Certificate, and the refit of thofe trifling points, w'her- glorious with thonhaft inifruéted, furnifhed, and appointed him ? Orelfe to Laodicea Beale in good earneftwith thee,what hindereth, but that the Paflour tiring the advice of other men , and upon diligent dilcutfingof the matter, may not as well pronounce the fentence, as either the Bithop, or Prebendary, or any other ? I but (wilt thou fay) we will not have this matter to be dealt in by the common Counfell of many, but to Rand to the pleafure of orne man only. Is this the meaningof thy reforrmation, and yet durft make mention of the ancient prac`tife, beauty, and dignity ? Chrift bade us tell the Church; (ball one man bear the perfon, and band in the room of the Church ? One man indeed did for order fake pronounce the fentence of old time, but the matter was adjud- ged, not by the will, and arbitrement of this one man alone , but of thewhole Councell. Neither would Paul have the inceftuousper- fon to beexcommunicate, but When the brethren didafemble and cor.- fent together, t Cor.5.4. And this was in ufe with the Church for force ages after, as it is clear out of Origen, 7ertnllian, Cyprian, and others. And therefore I fhould marvell to fee thee bragging fo boldly ofthe ancient worthyorder,were it notI knew that blind men feare not the faces of men. But what if this thy pretended amendment of manners,ms ke way allo for grievous crimes, tobreak forthwithout feare ofpwnifhment? The Commifa,y , as long as it belonged tohim , did twice at leaft every yeer compel! the Church-wardens toprefent notorious offen dors : but now there is no caufe perhaps whyhe fhould fo do, fceing the Prieft that is his affociate is made a 'tale , and hath no power in denouncing the fentence againft fuch men. Neither is it to be ho- ped, that the Church- Wardens will runof their accord to the Bithops, Arch-deacons, ?rebendaries, whom they know not in what quarters they fhall find, or they maybe further off perhaps, and the journey will be softly, then as beingprefent, and that at other mens charges, they can fcarce be compelledwith an oath , tomake prefentment of them that be guilty. There things thou fhouldeff have thought on, and not have prefcribed a remedy worfe then the difeafe. In the fecond place thou dealeft about excommunication for con- tempt and contumacie , which hathno new thing from thy old refor- mingcourfes,and decrees, But the very naming ofthe oldcnftome ìs