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C AP. 3. 4 ieetelatavn Iribe Apacaiypre. 149 isreformation futficient in thy account, that foperhaps no box might Lute) want a title , though it had no fuch matter within as it fpeakethof warm without. Ipaire over thy changing of Penance, thefooleandcxcefve vain glo. abufe of Officials, Sumners andRegiflers,for the taking away where- sLaediires eea. of thou Chouldeft rather have taken order, then for the moderatingof them. Now do thou thy felfe judge , what is become of thine eyes, or what ufe thou haft madeof them, that haft wholly fpent thy time, and thy wits about trifles and gew gaws, and haft let paffe many main evils : Or elfe if thou haft touched any of thefe, thou either makeft them worfewith thy manner of curing, or elfe furely never a whit the better. Certainly thou art proved to beblind by many arguments. But Chrif# open thine eyes. I for my part thinke fit,not fo much to fpend words indifputing with thee , as wifhes in praying for thee. For i have not intended to make any large treatife of thefe matters, but only to defcry, and point them out. The third part of the difeafe is kedneffe. Garments are ufed to provide for our fhamefaftneffe , whereout when once a man is fiript, his fhame is laid in open view ; according to that of the Pro- phet; Behold I come againg thce,faitb the Lard of hofls,andIWill dip cover thy skirts, unfolding them before thy face, that ? mayhew thy saakvdnefe to the nations, and thy filthineffe to the kingdoms, Nah.3. 5. This nakedneffe therefore, is that thamefull reproach, and contempt, which the Angel is fubjeft to, and fuftaineth. Neither indeed can it be, but that our Clergy fhould be vile in the account ofmen, that-do fee openly, and clearly,in how beggarly a manner Fcclefiafticall iti- pends are catcht at, how fhamefully, and negligently the holy functi- ons are adminiftred, how all care of the flock lyeth dead, and me de- fire of Gods glory is caft away. When as men (I fay) fee thefe things, can it be pofIble, but they fhoulddefpife the Ángel,that feek- eth only the things that be his own,and not the things that be Chrits? Yea, and the evingel himfelfedoth in fome part fee this felfe- e thing by certain fits and ¡tarts , as the frequent complai of his publick fermonsmay teftifie,though he know not the cattle or lift not to know it, as being more afraidof the remedy, thenof the difeafe, But it doth more evidently appeare , how great contempt hee is had in, by that which hapned a few yeers fince. Therewas one that called himfelfeby the name of Mar- Prelate, who fet forthbooks , wherein he dealt fomewhat roundly with the e.Angcl. How were thofe bit- ter lefts of his favoured among thepeople, how plaufible were they in a manner to all men, howwillingly, greedily, andwith what great X z mirth