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Lake- you fhall find him no where. In the meane time, let us alfo confider, 16C7 ,1'Zevelation ofthe Apocalypí'e. C A r.3; warm whata mifchievous evill wee pull upon our felves, vain-glo- P P vvho by retaining rions La- aifgely our fuperftitions and errors, doe plunge our Brethren into fo odieca. great a danger. Certainly, if that which the Truth it felfe bath long agog avowed be of any moment in it ; It hadbeen better for fuck men to have had a Millione hung about their necke, and (e to have beewe drowned in the bottome ofthe Sea, Matth. i 8.6. I befeech God to give unto themboth foundneffe of minde. But it remaineththat this place 'fhould be defended from the crafty gloffes of the Papil}s, who will have it to be in mans power to open unto Chrift whenhe knocketh. What (faithBellarmine) art thou (ó Chrift) ignorant that they cannot open ? Werenot he foolifb that Wouldknoclke at his neighbours d®ore, f hee knewfor certaine that there Were no manWithin that couldopen ? In his fira Booke ofG race and Free-will,Chap. i. I anfwer,Chrift lhould have no wrong done him to be counted foolifh, if his onely end of 'knocking were to enter in. But Chrifi knocketh at the dóore ofRe- probates,who he knovvethneither will;norcan open,not that he might enter, but partly to upbraid them with their impotencie, which was procured by their ovine fault,partly allo to irtcreafe theircondemnati- on. For fo faith the Evangelift exprefiy,therefore they could not believe, John 12, 34. Why then did bee fpennd many words upon them that had no power tobelieve ? Chrift himfe]fe teacheth the caule : If Ihadnot come,faith he,,andfpok n unto them,they hadhad nofin,batt noW they have nothing topretend tocover their finne with, Iohn 15. 22. His meaning is, that he therefore fpake unto them, that by meanes oftheir contempt andhatred of the onely begotten Sonne, their condemnati- onmight be more grievous. Such then for all the world,is the power ofanatarall man to believe, as is the love of the truth in the Popifh Teachers, who, though they fee ir, doe yet wickedly reject it with fcorne and hatred: 2I. He that'ball overcome,IWillgive him tofit. For, IWil_lgive to him that overccmmeth. So putting the Nominativecafe abfolûtely ; as we have obferved above, Chap.2. 26. Here we have a third reafon taken from the reward of a felloW-Throne. Not that the glory of every one ofGods children (hall be equal] to the honour of Christ as he is man ; but that the brightneffe and Majefty ofthe head flail re- dound to every one of the members. And therefore thefe thrones atcnot proper to the1.2. Apoflles, ofwhich we reade, Matth. t9.28. But common to all thefleE , though they are given to the Apoftles in that place after a peculiar fort, as perhaps we shall Phew elfewhere. Now