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C A P.3. 1evetatíonof the Apocalypt e.. 161 Now wee have often faid, that the rewards are applyed to the L {c times, and doe containe a Prophetie, which thing is alío to be re- \\ arm garded in this place. Chrift therefore maketh mentionof that throne vain gl- which he attained unto after his facrifice fit-ilhed upon the Crone, glori""s teachingus that the like things are tobe fuftained anofhis members, Laoaic`4 and that then,'they {hall be partakers with him of thra thron:. And therefore by mention hereof he leffeoeth the aftliFtion, propoundeth himfelf for an example tocomfort them agáinft it; as if-he fhould bid us to looke intentively upon him, and not to fàinr, or be difcouraged for any troubles whatfoever, when as we fee that he is afcended this way into the throneof the moft high & heavély dignity.And indeed it is well knownhow deare this contending for Reformation bath colt many worthy men,whofe fufferings fhall never be buryed in ob- livion, though they fhould not be once fpoken of by me. Only let them comfort themfelves againft this abje& estate wherein they live here, with the expectationofthis throne,which they fhail beexalted untohereafter.What though theybe trampled under feete as the off- fcouring ofall things, while they fee others flourifh like young Peers and Princes withpontificiafl pompe ? Chrift hathprepared a throne for them with himfelf : let none ofthemmake it anypart of their care or delre,toclimb up to the chair ofearthlydignity, as hitherto they have fufficientlyfhewed,that they have been far enough from any futh flefhly and fenfuall luft, whatfoever ambitious men,that make a con- jec`ture ofothers by themfelves, do prate and babble to the contrary. 22 He that hath an care. Now thereforewhòfoever thou art that haft perceived Chrift tobe the blelfed gueft of thy foule, and haft in like manner tailed of theheavenly delicates of his Table , liften di- ligently, and attend what the Hely 9hoft faith to the Churches. Let the man that fpeaketh:go, and donot fo hick at him,that thou (bout- deft much trouble thy feife about him, but confider how all things agree together from top to toe; and complaine not of, neither quar- rell at.thenovelty of the interpretation, as if thou wouldefk prefcribe Chrift a law , to whom and at What time heè should reveale his fe- crets. Wee know that certaine things are fealed up untill the time 'appointedbeout : But if thou muff of necellìty acknowledge this tobe a divine truth, let us all, even Princes,Peers, Angels, People,ear- neftly bend our felves with all our power to turne away this evill, that hangeth over our heads. How horrible a thing is it to befpued out of Chrifts mouth, with a certaine loathing of us, and ridingof hishomack againft us ? The land did onceof old fpue ow the Canaa- nite:, and they were utterly overthrown, Viu their evill be lighter, out