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C A P.4. ,,fkvelatton efthe Apocalypfe, $73 often lignifie the cracke of thunders, as Exod. 19. t6. e4nd there Werevoices and lightnings, and a thicke cloudupon that mountain, and Gan exeeedin vehement voice of a trumpet. So, Char. 2o. 18. end the peopleperceived thevoices, and the flafhes of1iehtninss, and the voice of the trumpet. But feeing there is exprefle mention made in this place of the thunders, voices here are referred to forne other thing, namely to the found of the Trumpet. For here is an allufion, to that dreadful blafl in giving the 1aW, whereby the If- raelites were cited unto the Tribunal!, and judgement of God ; the found whereof, when it wenton andgrew greatly; Mofes faid, I am aflonifhedand tremblefor fear, Exod. r 9.19. Heb. a .2 i .For the expectation ofGods judgement, did more fhake his minde with fear, then the prefent horrour ofthat terrible Spectacle, the fear wherof the minds may in force fort bear, unlefle the confcience offin do of aid it. When once it is wafted and broken with the fenfe hereof, it trembleth at the leaft thew ofevil!, as if it were a torment prepared for ir, and prefently to be undergone by ir. The voices therefore here, are certain, fad and rufull prognofticates, or the flings of con- fcience, whereby they are tormented alwaies in their mindes, with the expeftation offorce more grievous evill that is to come. This fear fhall be a racke to the wicked, rending themwith more torture oftninde then any prefent calamity could, how grievous foever. Such thereforeare the darts whichare laid up in this armory, which are indeed fetched and difpatchecd forth for vengeance, as the neeef- fitie either of the whole Church, or of every member in private doth require. Wherefore there is no caufe why they fhould fear the wicked world, for whole defence there are filch bitter whips and plagues prepared. And feilen Lampes offire. After the grace of proteElion, the gifts offanllification are declared. Of which thofe that be in- ward, are noted out by the feven Lamps, that burn according to the number and quality of the (even Spirits that arc before the Throne, Chap. 1.4. For thefe Lampes borne with theflame of thofe Spirits, onely with that difference bywhich the River and the Foun- tain differ.Which thing the Lampes intimate,beingvefíels of a certain and definite meafure, where asthe Spirit is infinite, and cannot be included in any ftraight ofveffells. Forwhich caufe he was molt free before, circumfcribedwithno usieafuucable quantity that could be put to, when as mention was made ofhim, as ofthe Third Perfon,equall Aa2 in