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81 A ve1ati.Ft iouofthe A.pócalypfe. CA?. 4. Then (hall the.Bifhops looke wittily and with fixed eyes upon the Sunne, and they (hall fcarchout witha marvellous lharpneffe of wit, whatfoever part it is of God that (hall lye hidden to that day ; nei- ther (hall they like to the bafe and corrupt minded Bi(hops of our times, creepe upon the earth, minding earthly things alone, but they (hall loare aloft, having all their converfations in the hea- vens. 8. And the fogre beats every of them one by one had. Hither- to wee have had the defcription of their body. The fafhion of their wings is defcribed by a three-fold property, by the number, the pofstion, and theeyes. They have fix Wings a peece, as many as the Angels had in Ifaiah 6.2. But the ufc of them is not alike, as it feemeth. For the efingels covered their facesWith tWo of them, their feet withother two, and with two they flew. But the Beafts wings are fo let, that they are the ieffe fit for thispurpofe. For they are round about them, on the back, on the fides, and on the fore- part, fo that they can the leffe fitly ferve to cover either the face or the feet. Neither are they given them for flight ; For what íhould they need, tofly away,, whole place of abiding is betweene the Throne and the circuit ofthe Elders? Therefore they are for helpe and ayde, as by meanes whereof they are enabled to fly moft readily on every fide to afford helpe untoothers. There is.a double funaionof this fort in the Church ; one offuccouring the poore,anotherofgoverning man- ners ; a Cor.12. 28. That belongerh to the Deacons and widows whom the Apoffles did of old by G O D S appointment make over-leers to care for thepoore, and for Such as are difeafed through any infirmityof the body, that fo they themfelvesmight not be forced to neglect their dutiesabout prayers, and preaching of the Word, whileft they were diligently implcyed in filch a bufineffe as that was ; AU. 6.2. &c. s. Tim. ç. 9. &c. This belongeth to the Elder, who are put in au- thority to governe the mannersof men onely, and are the Modera- toursof thedifcipline. The fiùnFtion of thefe men is declared and defcribed by th,2 eyes, of Which the Wings Werefullwithin. For elfe to what end fhould the Beafts have new eyes in their wings, fee- ing their whole body was fet with the fame before ? Out of doubt then thefe eyes of the body are to declare their knowledge and learning, and therefore they [tick nearer, being feared in the body it felfe, the which Minifters may aswell want, as they can want