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CAP.4. Á!Zodation- tweApocalypfe. want,their eyes that are joyned theretowith fo great affinity : but thefe of the wings, being fet a little further off, areplaced as it were in a watch-tower to inquire into the manners of every one, thus difcharging the officeofthole men that keepe watch and ward by dayandnight, as the ApoUle teacheth ; Obey (faith he) your over- feers and leaders and yeeldfubmifon unto them , for they watchfor yourfouler, as thofe that fiaflgiveaccount, 1-1(b.13.17. Now how fitly is this defcription of them made here, in that this kinde of eyes is within and under the wings ? For they mutt look to that flockonly which is committed to their truft , and tub- mitted to their power, as Teter admonifheth, a Peter 5.2. They are not to be (ticklers, and to bufie themfelves about other mens flocks, as if they had not enough todo about theirown a Or at leaft they are hereby taught to watch overChri lian,people only For What haveWe to do to judge them that arewithout, t tor.5.1 2,I 3. Such a Tabernacle as this was feene in the Mount , as farre as concerned the Minigersof CH R I S T ; accordingto whichplat- forme the Chriftian Church was fafhioned by the Apoftles, who be- tides the Patours, appointed thefehelpers alto inevery Congrega- tion, who together with the Paftours might cenfure and reforme manners. OfwhomPaul maketh mention, commanding : That the elders that rule well 'horrid be accountedWorthy ofdouble honour; chiefly thofe, Which labour in the Wordanddolirine. i Tim.5.17. For they play the partsofblindemen, and filch as for all their great lear- ning they boalt offo much, while they feeke and would feeme to (hew themfelves fharpe-witted, and of deepe undergandingand judgement in the interpretation of this place , doe indeed rather (hew themfelves to be void of all and°rffanding, who do fò eagerly contend that this double kindeofeiders cannot befuficiently pro- ved out ofthis place. Befides what other thing are thofegovernment; fo called, I Co rinthians 12.2 8. But theoffice of thofe men , who are made chiefe Overfeers ofthis charge ? In the beginning ofthe Verfc Paul reck- oned up, eApoftles, Prophets, and Teachers, upon whom the Mi nigeryofthe word lyeth, to whom, after certaineother things that he fetteth betweene, as powers, gifts of healing, and helpings-, at length hee joyneth Governours , that thus the order being inter- rupted with fo great a fpace of time and plact', we might know that . thefeppernements-are force diftin6t matter from the chargéof teaci ingu. or over, 'what kinde of Elders were they who Wear B b 3 converfant