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Itd ,l evelatronofthe Apocalypfe. CAP.4. to reproaches and railings,they be found to open their mouth againft heaven it felfè. Dayand night Withoutceafing, paying, Hitherto bathbeen the pre- paration unto their Office, now it followeth, of what fort their Of- fice it felfe is, which is (hewed by their unwearifome diligence in praiung the.Lord. Which one thing indeed fhewcth futficiently that thefe Seafls, by their charge and Office are Rewards of the Mylteries of God, towit, Parlors in Whom he bath put the Wordofreconcilia- tion, andWhom he hadmade his Ambafadors, WhoAmid intreat and pray the people in `'brillsplead, that they Would bereconciled unto god. It is indeed the duty ofevery one topraife God without ceáfìng:Such diligence the Apoflle requireth in all Chriftians, fay ing,Pray continu- ally, in the fiat Epill le of the Theflalonians, cap. g.verf. i 6. But ripe- cially it belongeth to them, who ought to give themfelves to this Ru- dy with their whole minds and thoughts. For as Paul counfelleth Virgins, that they might cleavefart to the LordWithout any diflraffi- on, in the firft Epiffle to the Cormths, cap.7.v.3 S. That should be t} e onlycate ofthem, that bend themfelves with all diligence untoholy things, all, whole buuneffe both in the day-time and in the night is bellowed inmeditating on the thingsofthe Lord: You,faith the Pfal- inift, Whichflandin the bottle ofgod every night, Pfal. i 34.v. t . Were there any prayers beforeday break,or in the night time, as in the Mo- nafteriesof the fuperllitious Monkes ? Not atall : But this kind of fpeaking fheweth that their whole labour was fpent inworihipp ing' the Lord : Such as then was the fludy of the Levìres, and of them efpecially, whodeparted not from the Temple neither daynor might, fbr the fpace of the weeks of their courfe, in the fecond Booke of the Kings 11.5. and in Luk' Chap. r. ver. 23. And fuch ought tobe the care ofall, whodeale withholy thing" by profeffìon: They whoare detained with the affairesof this life, becaufe they have their mindeswithdrawne from the contemplation of heaven- ly things, worthily may be Paid to leave fometime their careof fer- ving G o n , by companion with the Minders. Seeing then fo continual) a paines is required to the Miniflers, may they inter- meddle withother klitkall and Civil)' àffaires ? Shall they whole mindes ought never tt3bevacant from holy meditations, fo faire in. tangle themfelves With earthly cares, that they can minde very little divine things' ?` C H R I S r , who alone was fit f&' very adminiflration' would not bee a jadgè-to- divide the inheritance betweene the difagreeing brethren : Which Office her refufed, not for