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CAP .4. d tebeJ4tion ofthe Apocalypí°e. 187 'for any inability to performe it, but only forour example. To whom alfo he hath appointed bounds ofour power, left bywandring with- .out our limits,: we fhould be unprofitable both to our felves, and alfo to others. The Prince's, faith he, ofthe Gentiles bearerude oar them, and the Nobles cxercifèpoWer over them, but it 'hall not befo among you, Mat.zo.25,z6. Ofwhich commandement when the Apofiles underflood this tobe the meaning, that they fhould take upon them nothing that might hinder never fo little their holy funftion, they would not fuffer fo much as that the care of the poore fhould be laid upon them, though moll nearely joynedwith godlineffe, that they might notwander anywhit from their duty. Therefore the Romifh Antichrift,with his Prelates, hath ceafed longago inmany ages paff, to in the number ofthefe Beafds. How farre alto are our Bifhops from thern,whohave forfaken prayers and the adminiffration ofthe Word, not thatthey maylook to the poore, but that they mayhandle civili affaires, and enjoy the honoursof this world ? Whom thou mayeff feeoftner in the judgement feat,then in the Pulpit,and to dif- fernothing from thePolitick Magiffrates,.but only in name and ap- parell. Do they day and night extoll our God with meet prayfesof his holineffe ? ;God open their eyes,'that they may feehowexcellent things they leave, for thingsofno value, that at length acknowledge- ing their errour theymay returne to better things, all trifling lets be- ing calf away. ThePfalmift telleth openly, that they are blefed, Whichdwellin the horsfe ofthe .Lord, and that in this refpet , becarsfe theyArai (e Godcontinually, Pfal.84. 5. What then(hai' wechange with this Office, which fo great a King being deffitute of, envied, that I may fofay, to others, through a godly zeale? But too much it maybe, is already fpokenof this matter : too much indeed to him that flaeaketh.the truth, but all that love their errours. I doe (care ,that.theywillnot be ennugh.. The. Office of thefeBeall! is decla- red, not onely by this care, but alto by the forme it felfe of the thankefgiving, for .they crie, Holy,. Holy, Holy : by which thrife repeated crying together,.t cy.praife the one onely yehovab, feeing in repeating they fay'one-certaine thing, : which one alfo they ac- knowledge to be three,:in 'repeating thrife, that which they gave, toone : whereby likewife they eefteeme evetyeach one perfon of equal! honour, commending each with equall praife. For holineffe containeth within itall praife, which fignifieth filch a purity which 'is fprinekled:kand'Mixed Nctith itò fpotor hl'enn. And this the Beatis doe give' to God =nòtaònely fetting:forth'the-fameé fo in' C c word4