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/88 b eve1atiots ofthÈ' pôealyOIe CAP. . words, but alfo inmaking the people holy, or at leapt in ufng that labour, whereby to their utmoft power they may make them. From whence of all the teflimonials of Gods praife, this chiefly doth found and ring againe in the lips of them that ferve God, Some Bookes doe repeat thefe words fix times : but esiretaa agreeth with our copies, and thefe words are in other places of Scripture, I/ay 6.3. So is the tide of holineffe : this the Beafts doe fet forth by a double kinde of Touter and Truth, whereunto pertaineth that diftributivenowne, Which is, and which Was, and Which is to come, as was declared: before, Chap. I. 4. 7. And they mention firrt of all the `PoWer, chewing the incomprehenfible gloryof Ho- linejfe, which is moll hard whereone hath liberty to doe what hee will. He that can doe all things, and yet in the leapt thing abufeth not his power and authority, it mu[t needs be that his glory exceed- eth the comprehending of every mind. Againe, how hard is it to keepe the promife which thouhaft made, when they to whom thou haft promifed doe breake their promife almoft every moment ? O therefore theunmeafurable holineffe of, ourGod, whole truthmens infidelity doth not hinder. 9. c//ndWhen thefe Beafhr fhall give: Hitherto the gifts, with which God doth notably adorne his Church, now the Worfliip is defcribed, to which the Beafts and Elders together doe earneftly bend themfelves. The manner whereof, is fuch that the Reaftes have the chiefe doing in the anion, and goe before the Elders with their voyee,_ as the Minifters are wont in the affemblyof thepeo- ple. For thefe things are fpoken according to that order which God hath appointed in his , Church , whereby all- the people doe give worship to God, the MiniRer being the leader. But it is to beobfervcd, that this anion giving glory doth diner in a refpecì from that of the former verfe. For that pertained to private care', which is continuall, their whole Office tending to this oncly end This is proper to their publique funnion,.and at certaine times, as is manifea from thofe things which follow in the next verfe. As touching the words, Theodor Beza tranulateth, When theydid hive, and fo the other words, they did fall:datvne, they did c4 ojf, by the imperfeé tence : but the property of the time is to be kept, feeing a future thing is here fore- (hewed, and nota thingpat reported. I o, The fuure and tìbentie Elders /half fall krone': The anion of the peoplegoverned_ by the .conduft of the Minifiers., And it confiaeth