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A P. 1. fl evelation of the Apòca1ypfe. i j 6 findhath made : That is , Who bath alfo made, by a defect of the relative,as we faid light now. All thefe things tend to this cod, to teach, that Chrift hath not all thofe good things , with which we have heard, in the nexwords before, that he is indued for hinifclf a- lone, but that heBoth powr them out upon the Elect, to the intent they might be made happy by their partaking of them. Kings and Priefs unto God. Some read Kingdom and Priefts, as alto the vulgar. It muchmatters not for the fence, yet the cod py- ning ofperfons among themfelves, is more likely, thenof things and perfons. The Elect are Kings by the participation of the Kingdom of Chrift, wherein we have overcome the Law, Death, Sin, we tri- umph alfo daily over the World,by trampling it under foot by faith, tjoh.5. 4,5.ßy him likewife are we Prielts,as who being dead inhim, have God favourably untous, have alfo -an entrance made and laid open, to fpeak boldly unto him. But he doth warily adde, that we are made Kings and Priefts to God, left- wee fhould think that this honour is given unto us, either to trouble the civili State, or elle to intermingle Church-government with civili. To him beglory : This is all that we can render for exceeding great benefits,to delire that he may be molt renowned among all men with his own j aft praifesni: And this giving of thanks feenis to be taken up becaufe of the prefent gift ofGod, pow-red upon the Gentiles by the knowledge of Chrift. 7. Beholdhe comethWirh cloudes. The benefit to come, that is to be looked for at his glorious coming.To come withclouds, is tomanifeft himfelf with (tormeand tempeft, and with a mighty and fearful' ap- paritionofgreat lightening,to revenge himfelfupon thewicked, and todeliver thofe that be his.After which manner alto fpeaketh `Daniel touching the famecoming;Ifa* in v'fons ofthe night,that behold there came With the clouds ofHeaven-,-one like to the Sox of Man, chap.7 13. For fo the notable judgements ofGod are wont to be defcribed, in which he poureth out the vehemêt heat of his fury upon his enemies, tomake us now think that all creatures do fight for God, as alto that he will makeHeaven andEarth to ferve him for the ayding of thofe that be his; andmoreover,`that the Reprobate cannot by any meanes ecape. In likemanner thePfalmift being delivered out of thehands of his enemies, doth magnifie God for his power chewed forthfrom Heaven in delivering him, Pfal. i S. r 3,14,1 5. InMatthew, he is faid to come upon the clouds, chap. 24.3o. But perhaps in the fame fence, as in Pfal. 18. at. Andhe fate upon the Cher,binr, and didflye, c c tut.