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16 A Revelation ofthe Apocalypfe. CA P. T. But yet the Angels avouch that heJhallfo come, even as theyfalb him' going up intoHeaven, A. i. II. Now there was no fuckdreadfull matter, only a cloud tooke him away from their eyes , but without firiking them with any feare.But this likeneffe feemeth to be referred tó the truth ofhis human nature, wherein hedull come againe tb be beheld ofall men, after the fame manner as he went into Heaven,and not to the glorious ihew andMajefty ofhis coming;or.els the Angels fpeake to rerpeft of the godly to whom his corning fhall be molt joy- full, at the which the Reprobates shall with though invain,that they might be overwhelmedwith mountaines. Although , out of thofe things that fóllow,if-fhall be plaine, that here is nomentionmade of thelaft coming, but only that here is an allufion made unto it, for the likenef of it. Andthey "hall Wailefor him. This is the wailing of Repentance, not ofdefperation,as is cleer out ofZachary,whence thefe words are taken; J- theyJballlookeupon him, Whom they have pierced,& theyJball lament over him,asifthey lamentedfor their onlySon, &c.cliap. i 2.20. But feeing it will be too laterepentance,when they shall Rand before thejudgmet"feat in the general day ofjudgmc r,t_hefe words here feem, as if they couldbyno meaning be underftood of the laft judgment; even as,neither can that coming-With clouds, whkhhe fpake of right now, but ratherof that exceeding glory, which fhall be made mani- feft to the world in the calling of the Jews. Thefe are they that pierced him throughofold ; but at laft they Jballlook Wiltfully upon him, and all the Tribes of the Earth, that is, the whole nation; ofthe Jews, (nail withabundance of tearsbewaile the lewdnefle of their fore-fathers inputting Chrift to death. This is.certair,that this Booke oftheRevelation faieth his difcourfe in the converfion of thefe Iews,as afterwards God willingfhall be made manifeft.Andbecaufe theglory ofChrift than be then very great, as being a molt live'y reo fèmblance of that which (hall fhine out inthe laft judgment, the let- ting forthof this,is fetched in to adorn that, and that not in this place alone, but as-it may feem, in many, other alto. eAll the Tribes. Thefeareproper to theJews, among whomofold the promifed land was diflributed, Tribe by Tribe. The matter could not bedeclared with more exact words. Oftentimes theTribes are taken metaphorically, but herenot fo atall, feeing Zachary bath by name mentioned the Tribes ofthe Tews; The carth(faithhe )Jball mourn, every family apart,thefamily ofthe houre of Davidapart, the family ofthebottle ofLevi apart, 4 the refs of the.familics,.every mtly