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z at10'elation ofthe Apoca.lypfe. CAP. i and fo ( hould give that to a creature which is proper to God. Amen. This that I fay is móíí certaine, that I live for ever and e- ver; for confirming whereof, take herenot a naked affirmation on- ly, but alto this folemn word offealing that I fay, Awien. The vul- gar readeth not Amen; Which yet is to be had in all the Greek bookes; and is repeated afterwards, chap. 3. verl24. to which we mull hearken rather then to the Fatherr ofTrent who decree this edition onely to be authenticall. AndIhave the k-yes ofHell and Death. There is a tranfporting ofthe words in Aret,u, C'ompintenf:s and. thevulgar, And Ihave the beyes ofdeath andHell. And in the coupling together of thefe words, Hell ulethto be let after death, as death andHeltfo/loWed hits, chap. 6. verf. 8. So death and Hell Were cat into the lake offire,chap. 20. t4. And fo the order of things requireth, feeing Hell is the laft flingof death. But feeing thefe keves ferve as well toopen as to fhut ( for in that he liveth whichwas dead, he hath power to make others ro be alive from the dead) this Hell is not that of the damned, ( which isnever wont to be opened , that any íhould be fetched thence,) as neither is that afterwards, chap. zo, i 3, i 4. For how could the Hell of the damned be cafe into the lake of fire ? Thus therefore feem thefe two to be diftinguifhed, that death fhould be the feparating and partingof the foule and the body ; Hell, that flare and condition wherein the body is after this parting. 29. writeWhat than hagfeen , and Which are. Here the com- mandement ofWriting is repeated, but more largely unfolded. In the t 1. verle it was commanded onely , Write What the,, feeff in a boclse, nowhe teachethhow far that whichhe law reached,namely, tothings bothpre(rnt, and to come. For both there being joyned together ex- plain thefe words, Which thorn haftPeen. And in the leverail Epiftles to which the parts of this-vlíìon are applyed , according to their di- verfecondition, we thallfinde fore- tellings ofthings to cone;fo that thefe words, Which thorehafPeen, cannot be 'rcílrained onely to things p relent. Seeing therefore the (even Epüles to the (even Churches, contain as \yell thing-s to corne as pprefent, the wholePro= phecy is not rightly divided into things preterit and to come. For thefe members meet together as afterwards we íhaii fee in theo- pening, ofeach thing one by one. let us hold this then which the words openly teach, that this vifion which is proper to the feven Churches, is of things bath prefent and to come. The obfervingof which fmall matter, hath opened a. way unto me to underhand there pani-