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CAP. I. ' /112evelation of the Apoealypfe: 33 particularEpistles, as I füppofe, which I leave to the judgment of the godly. 2. TheM. yftery ofthefeven f ars: In the fall place is the interpre- tation, which teacheth only concerning two things, thefurs and tile Candleftickcs. Why giveth he no explanation ofthe other parts? Be- caufe thefe fewwere enough for the opening ofhispurpofe in the whole. For after the fame manner are therat to be applyed to the elate of the Church. And theholy Ghoft would in fuch fort help our infirmitie, that he would leave fomeparts ofit to be fearchedout by our diligence. Although thofeparcs ofthe vifion which remaine un- opened,will eafily be feen out oftheEpiftles,which teach through the conditionofthe feverall ehurches,whatmeaning the rell have,which are now paffedover in filence, as thall be (hewed in their places. As touching thewords;The wordmy(tery is in the fourth cafe following, thewordWrite, which is to be repeated in common ; as if he fhould fay, Write the myftcry ofthéfeversftars; and likewife in the claufe fol- lowing, and Write thefèven Candleftickes. Defec`lively ; forWrite the myflery ofthefevengolden Candleftickes. Now he interpreteth the Stars to be Angels. Thefeven (tars (faith he) are the Angels ofthefe- ven Churches. That is, lignifie the feven Angels. Which I would have them marke , who flick tooth and naile to the letter elfwhere. Neither are thefe Angels fpirituall fubtances , but men that are Pa- hours and Bithops, to whom the Scriptures give this name ; as al- 4e.hengh the ¢4ngell of the Lord had afcendedup out ofGilgall to Bochim, Iudg. a. r. So in the Prophet Haggee. Thenfpake Haggee the Angel ofthe Lord, chap. r. 13. And Malachie fpeaking ofthe Prieffs; For he ra the Angel ofthe Lord ofHsftes, ch4.2. 7. How.great then is the worth oftrue Pa(fours, who are both flats fixed in noother firma- ment then Chrifts right hand, as alto Angels? What matter is it withwhat opprobrious names the wicked mocke them , teeing they have this placeand account withGod ? And thofefever Candleftickes are thefeven Churches. They are ex- cellently compared to candleftickes,as in which the light ofthe truth fhineth for ever, being lighted by Chrifl the high Prieft,rnorning and evening continually. This fimilitude is taken from the Candleflickeof the Tabernacle, whichwas made ofpuregold, With aWorks, theparts Whereofclavefaft together Without any feperation,conf/tin ofonefhanke and revere branches. The multitude ofthe brra nches, fignifiëth the mul- titudeof the particular Churches, both ofthe Iewes and of the Gen- tiles, their common original! from one .lankc, fignifeth themolt G nett