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34 evelationofthe Apaca1ypfe. C A P. Z. seer conioyningofall theparticular Churches,all which come forth of that one Church of the Iews,as it were out of thefl,aft: Whichßaft Was more6eatttifed then the refit ofthe branches, with one 6o1,491,an al- mendand a litre flour, becaufe, as it feemeth, the Churchof the IeWes is to be at length more abundantly filled with the gifts of the holy Ghoft, then this ofours that be Gentiles, Exod.25. i. The Cara dle:flicks thenare the Churches, but fuch as do by their moft cofily matter fummarily onely note out the excellent worthineffe of them the cornlinelfeofevery member Chrift himfelfhath feverally repro -- fenced in that figure whereinhe was Peen ofIohn. The frond CHAPTER. rt Nto the Angel of the Church of Ephefus U . write,thefe things faith he,that holdeth thofe - feven flares in his right hand, which walketh in the midffs ofthe feven candlefticks ; 2 I know thy works,andthy labour,and thy patience, that thoucánft not fuller thewicked : and haft tried them., which fay that they are Apoflles, and are not, and haft found them lyars. 3 And thou waft burdened,and doefr endure, and for my name haft laboured,andwaft not wearied. 4 But I have fomeìvhat againft thee, that thou haft left thy firft love. 5 Be mindful] therefore fromwhence thou art fallen,and do the firft works,or elfe I will come againft thee fhortly, and remove thy candleflick out ofhis place, unleffe thou dóeft repent. 6 But this thou haft, that thou hateft the works of the Nicolaitans, which I alto hate. 7 Let him that hath an ear,hear what the fpirit faith to theChurches, to him that overconaeth I will give to eat ,f`that tree of life, whicla is in the midft ofthe Paradife of God, 8 To