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,c A P. 2. Á!. eyelettion of the Apocalypfe. 2 t us fuch a livelyportraitureof fo long a time. Could the languifbiig de- Growi++g frtsElion ofRome be noted out untous more elegantly or frgnifxantly? Thyat ci. God would not-have her perifh with afwift difeafe, leafíz his people ;/bou1dforget it, but rather that fhe fhould rot bypeecemeale with a 'confuming Ptifické, both that this lingring puinifhment, fhouldby the long !along ofit, bean image ofher eternal! punifhment,as elf° that fhe might bea fpectacle to many ages , which haddrawn many ages intoerrour. Certainly unleffe Rome fete and acknowledge this ptifcl e of hers,her difeafe is not a confur,aption only,but aphrenfie alto. e4nwtheft that commit adraltery Itith her. This is thepuniflhment ofthe Adulterers, which are the Kings and Princes of theearth, of whom afterwards ; chap. 17. a. Thelè men, unlelfe they make a de- feFtion from this Harlot, (hall drinke ofa cup ofmolt grievous af- fliFtion. Have not the Kings already by wofull experience learned this point , while the molt cruel! Turk,: opp reffeth the Emperootr on theone fide, and the SpaniJb King on the other ? Call to minde the ages paf, from the yeer i 300. wherein ?ezabell began to languifh ; who can expreflè thofehuge evills, which the Tranflvanian, the Po- Ionian, the Bohemian, thehoule ofAuflria, the Emperoor, the Veneti- an, the Spaniard,fuffered at the hands of the molt outragions Tura? ijid not this your affliction begin, at the fame tines, whenRome that ?exabell was caft uponher languifhing Bed ? Why do y-ee not per- ceive that your adultery committed with this Harlot bath procured you all thefe evills ? But this calamitie of ?ezabell while the keepeth her ficke bed,is nothing to that,which, unleffeyou will renounce,and that quickly, all wicked focietie and intercourfewithher, you (hall fuffer at 1aft, when the than be giving up her Taft ghoft , as we (hall Phew afterwards. Is it then a time for you now , ¿ye `Princes and Peers, to play the runnagates from the true God , to this whore of Rome ? They have no place for pardon, who beingbewitched with her beautie, while fhe flourifhed, have had acquaintance with her whatangiaifh then remaineth, to punifh your curfed tuft , who do now imbraceher rotten carcafe ? For ?e,/isr Chrifis (ake provide for your own fafetv,by forfakingwith all pofsiblefpeed this .errand COOP. Trion.1km -opet, leaft ye be át lati fuddenly overturned, when repen tance (hall be too late, both with themoft grievous calamitiesof this life, as altowith chafe that never (hal! have end. 23. And IWill kill her fans. The thirdpunifhment is ofher (,,ns ; Thefe be the Topes, Cardinal's, Archbifftops, RiJlrops, Prief r,' tfriits íind°thereft ofthat 10iolerobitli. of thin `Hierarcfaicall order 7 Chrift N 'ZAtr