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8z tD velatot: ofthe Apdealypfe..C. A E. . Growing Jbsll deffroy all thefe, not only with the tilt_ death , but even with the Thyatira. fecond alfo, unleffe they repent. This is yet to come, being begun in- deed after fome fort already, but now ere long to be finned ) as here- after (hall be declared. And all the Churches j7, 11 know. This is the teitimony that all the Churches give, that Gods judgment upon Rome is juft and terrible, .For at Taft thereat of the Chriftian company !hall finde by expperi- ence,that Chrift is fuch as hehack_ alwayes declared himfelf tobe in his word. His long patience had almclf difabled the credit ofGods facred threatnings, but at kit he (hall fliewthat his words were nò .vain buggy,but fuch as fhould come to pafhe with a moff certain ven- fiance in their due time. And this is partly begun to be done,, partly is yet to be done. What Reformed Church is there that feeth not the long failing and languithing fickneffe ofR.ome, and that Both not therefore praifeand magnifie the juif God , cryingout , o thedepth of his Judgments ? But the more plentiful! matter of praife untoGod, (hall be inher full and finali deftrúection. Now in that he faith,hefearcheth the reins and the hearts,thereby he teacheth to what end Chrift was defcribed to havefiery eyes, ver. i 8. Namely,not onlyy, becaufe his fervants fhould prove themfelves to be (harp-fighted in fearching out the delufiens.of this Harlot, but alto Chrift himfelf fhould Phew himfelf to be fuch in governing his Church, by making manifet the impiety of Rome, howfoever painted over withmany goodly fhifts and pretences. 24. NoW toyou Ifay, and/the refl. Now he cometh to the councell, as we noted in the 4nalyfsng of this Epi(fle; teaching how they ffaould defend themfelves againff this wickedneif` of Iezabr°l. Now it is given both to you, and to the reif of Thyatira, that is, both_to.thee (O efingel)with the company of thv Collegiates,and to the rtftthat be.ofthe Church , who have perfifted conflantly in the founddo- c` nine; as Theodoret. Heta,the vulgar and the cornpluten e edi:ion have verywell explained it. Some other copies dalh out the particle and, and read it thus; Now to you Ifay,the refit thatare ofThyatira : But 4retau readetli-thus, with w hornother manufcript copiesdo-accord. Byaihich pparticleit is evident , that not only the left chafe oftheE, piffle did belong to the Çhui;ch, but allo the Whole ngrration, though chiefly it refpec`teth the Annel, and fpeaketh to him éy name.. The fame judgment mudwe giveofthe other Epif les, fer there is a like refped ofevery oneofthem. cefod.that have not known thedepth' ofStan, ár 'heyfly, $ut.whn are