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C A P z. A eVeltitiefz of theApocatypfe. Sj have got it over Row, and her fiayifh complices. For when Lttrlrer Growipÿ was ottce rifenup,;:certainPrinces .of çerrfany departed from the Thy'`"" obedienceof thelfomill HH.rlos,, whQaî at:length after force wreft- ling, they threw down to the ground, and trampledher under their feet: The fame thing carne ro -paffo by Gods mercy in many other places.Thispromifed power tEaen,its a )oynt partaking of the Church in the victory againft the PKpiJt,r, M1viiiifh at this day all reformed Churches enjoy,the £ull'ancLgloriont3 triumphwherof Ihall. be fhort- ly,as we fhall thewaftcrwa,tc s in his lace by thehelpe of God. 27. And he!hall rule there. Tnefe . ethe properties of the former power. To rede them With sw iron'.ycepter , is to fubdue their power tislly, and to compel] theim o obediencewill they , nil] they. The which was accompiifhedby the Proteflant Princes of Germany and elfewhere : They.thruft the`Píhp_ifr;ot{t of their Monafieries, Coiled- ses,Temples, Lan%ts,snd othrrof.tb;irgoods, and bellowed themon better ufes ; namely towards-the maintaining of godly Teachers, Widdows, Orphans, Schools,or finally what elfe foever might make for the helpingfor\iiard of Chrif ianity. But this the Pap:It crieth out on,and againft,asbeingfacrt`legiour .osd tyrannicall;Let him cry till he breakagain,the more he groaneth with pangs at the heart to fee this,the more do we take notice of this bard andiron rod that maker's besfhoeslders akt'. Therefore as many of theThyatirian,, as íhould keep alive the light., or fire of the truth once kindled unto the endy íhould fee with their own eys this joyful] day, and should be parta-e leers of the vic`torr ; Not that it íhould beof necellity for them, to be alive at that time,who were rayfed up toRand for the truth about the yeer i3:oo. But becaufe that which hapned to force of them, namely, to thofe that íhould furvive., andbe living at the endof this period,is wont to be given to all them that are ofthe fame condition. For fo Both theCommunionof Saints require, that that which is be- longing to a few,fhould be made cornmon to all. And they(ball bebrui/edas rowdies verels.That is, eafily,and with-. out any hope of reftoring, made like to the pottheards, which are, f®r no;ufe. Let the Pope of Rome fweat therfore, and turn up every {tone, Ming all the ways he can toget his former authorityagain , he ftriveth in vain, his fall is unrepairable ; lee í1a11 find no foulder by which his broken earthen veflels can be glewed together. That in the end of the verfe, As Ihavereceived from my father; ssig-' nifieth, that this power will not got without many a bloody blow. For Chrificfiritfeffered,andentered into hisglory.So the chriftians after many