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86 A k elationofthe Apócalypfc. C A P. 2 Th)af"g many dangers paff d-over; yea after a difcomfiture received , Aall obtain this dominionover thepopifh fort ; aswéknow it came to paffe with Frederickof Saxony, Vnnlip Lantgrave, and their arn:ief,which we fhall fee more fully hi hisplace. 8. AndIwill give him the morninggar. Here we have the other reward expretfed no Ietfe agreeable to the times. Thi, ldr r (brig, as after we (hall ffce,chapaa.a6. Tana ihe'root, andgeneration of Da- vid, andthe bright morningStarr Socalfedindeed, partly, becaufe he imparteth hi,nfelfe in this-lif-e unto thbSaints, for the pledge and the firs fruits for thegloryloc ri e,=1eß they'thould not beable to endure, to flay fo long for it partly, becaufee he taketh this name to himfelfe in regard of his divers'.kinds-of góverning matiers.iu the Church ; when, as he thineth ourfs1fr,fie is themorning, the dayand the fanne ; but whenhe thineth rirá e,k tufy gibì-iyet loas hegiveth hope of a perfeaday byand (,y téi` etifue , he' is thrriernsng Starre, thefore-runner of thefame. Noiv,We'muß know; that whichwill be plain out of the expofition föllowìng, that themof_bright light of the Truth, of all piety andreligion, fhall then thine upon the earth, when as our brethren of the Iel's (hall be converted unto ('hrifi;feeing then at that time thef rail day fhall be,the renuedchurch which goeth next before it; is like the light- bOingine Lucifer , which beeing teen in the morning near the Horizon,fheweth that theFoun- tain, and head- ípring of light, will by and byfhew it felfe. Now this is that reformed church, which fucceedeth this.of Thyatira , ginning at the yeer 1520. The which the full refloring of the felts' following at the back, like as theSun followethLucifer. The which point is here only affirmed barely, as much of it as ferveth to illu- fi:rate this place; the.Treatife following, thall adde the proofs. Wherfore the morning /far promifed here,is that fweet communica- tingof Chriff,which every, one Vaal( enjoy in the reformedChurches, of which he (hall be made, and accounted 'a free denizen ; which communicatingof Chrift, the full felicity of the Saints, fuch as.can be upon the earth, fhall follow fhortly after. t. 19 He that Nathan ear. This is theufuall Epilogue, but yet tobe obferved, in regard of the divers placing-of it.. For to what .end is the reward let after the Epilogue in the three firfl Epiftles, in the four laft this acclamatory fentence, having ahvayes the laft place ? Firff, the Holy Ghofl teacheth us this, that there is an undoubted dif- ference, between the three frfi,- and thefe four latter Ep.iftles; which we before vbferved, ditinguifhing all thefrom Churches,into the