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.0 .k .2: vie eaelat;onofthé Apoca.lyp%. 87 the three. foremott, which waxe worfe and worfe , and into thefour Growíno latter which begin to come to health.again after the ficknefe is over, Thyatirs and to do better and better. Befides there may be another reafon, which I gather by the event, that the rewards in the three firft Épi- tiles, as toeat of the fruit of' the treeof life inTaradife,c c. Were Mtmade good byperformance fuddenly, and ill a moment, but they were in performing a longtime , with along delay ; wherupon the .rewards follow there conclufions ; as if after the admonition they wouldgive time of deliberating ; but in the four latter , the Accla- maoion comethafter the rewards , as if after thewarning is once gi- ven, there fhould be no place or fpace for taking counfell , but the -matter fhould forthwith come to his Ale, beyond all mens expec4ati- on being no fooner faid then done. Thus we know it hapned in the reformation, that was begun by Luther,whichwe have'íhewed to be the reward, in refpeci of the cos nterpain of the ThyatirianElate. Whowould have thoughr,that the matter would have come at !aft to that proofe,that had filch (mall beginnings? Certainly Luther him- felfe thought -nothing leffe, thenof any change, or defection from Rome : Or who could have expeetedffuch, a ivietamorphoiis in the whole Church, iri fo-fhort a fpace? But now was the time when the churchfboulri have palter over the nations ; And therfore matters be-. ingonce begun, went onof their own accord, there being made as it were in a moment , filch an interchangeable alteration of them, the which the world.was'at that time,and that not without caufe, alloni- ihedat,aíd the adversaries do at this day fo behold, that it is an eye- fore unto them. The fame quick difpatchfeerneth to be like to enfue, perforrning'the rewards that follow, the which a man (hall fee be- fLowed,before he fhalLhear,that theyare tobe beftowed ; and there- fore they go before the admonishing conclufion, as the which they fhall alfo no lefle gó before in tinge. Upon you therfore,Q ye Popelinur, on you (I fay.) do I;again call, and to yourconfcmences do I appeale, if peradvrr,rtue the Holy Ghrfl' -hash given to any. of you ears ro hear,hearkendiligei tly ro thofe things which are faid.See what kind of thing this Rome of yours is , which ye dohonour fo obfervantly ; whither the haft yeerpafb e xan as ye weremad,rh keep thofe un- goalv,Iubtl°es,fl7e i< no.chaft & holyVirgiñ,as yo,i) falily are-perfwa- 'äed;but a rru,íf. impadent Ïczab °l,ameßcruel killer. ofthefainis,which ye should rai 'herflee from into any.iviidepçfs withEli4h, then thus _flack roper byfea& land,leavingin themtàri eime,the moli haftfpouíe .fChri tofitat home defolate.Beholdalto this witch, now for many yecrr