Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

thy to have the fecret Counfels of God to be ineparted to him, and it was as unpr,fitable for her to know and that firfl, becaufe fuck Revelation might make her too,fecure ; and fecondly, tecaufe it mad impoffible for him to demonfirate and make known unto her cr any other, the truth and infallibility of the Revelation which he had re ceived; to be from God, fo that Jhouldlhe afterwards call into quelti- on the truth of it, as well fhe might, her troubles and doubting: son- ceruing her Salvation would have been as great as they were before. 0 therefore let all Believers that would have flare eflablich- mem., found comfort, Laing Peace, and true and fweet affu- ranee of the love of God, and of their interefl in Chrift, & c. take heed of flying unto Revelations, VifiOns or VoicefrOm Heaven to affure them of their Salvat:ion, 'and of the love of God, and of their intereft in Chrifl, &c. If you who are ad- vantaged to confult Ellflory, pleafe to do it, you will find upon Record, that where one hath been rniflaken about fear- ching, his own heart, and trying his wayes, and obferving the frame and temper of his own fpirit, many hundreds haVe been eternally deceived and deluded by Voices, Vifions, Apparitions, Revelations, and orange impulfes and ffrong impreffions, efpecially among the Romanills ; and within thefe few years, have not-many hundreds in this Nation fal- len under the fame woful deflions, who are all for crying up a Light within, and a Chrift within, &o. And this you are feriouflv and Confcientioufly to obferve in oppofition to the Pap,fis, who boldly and floutly.aflirrn, That 'affurance of a mans Salvation can be had by no other means than by ex- traordinary Reve.lation Witnefs the Councel of rrent,who have long fince fail, That if any rfra.,zn fay that he knoweth he fhall certainly perfevere, or infallibly be xbred o f his. Elelion, except he have this by fpecial Revelation, let him be 4natherna. With- out all peradventure God will one day crofs and curie filch a wicked Councel that curfeth ,' that Anathematizeth his people for afferting and maintaining that that may certainly be obtained in this life, as I have fufficiently proved by tens Arguments in my. Treatife called Heaven on Earth, from page z. to page z6. I think :here is a great truth in that con-- feffion of Faith that faith; that inEllible Affurance doth not T fo Ther. 2.'9) /0) x) ,x2.