Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

0 F CHOICE JEWELS 0 R, A Box of precious Ointment. Being a plainDifcovery of,or,what men are worth fbr Eternity, and how 'tis like to go with them in another World. Here is alfo a clear and large Difcovery of the feveral rounds in facob's Ladder, that no Hypocrite under Heaven can climb up to. Here are alfo fuch clofs, piercing, diftinouifhing and difcovering evidences as will reach and fuit thofe driflians who are higheffin Grace and fpiritual Enjoyments; and here are ma- ny Evidences, which are fluted to the Capacities and Experiences of the weakePt Chrifrians in Chrift's School : And here Chriffians may fee as in a Glafs,what a fober Ufe and Improvement they ought to make of their evidences for Heaven and how in the ufe of their gracious evidences they ought to live.. Firft, upon the free grace of God. Secondly, upon the Mediatory righteoufnefs of Chri. Thirdly, upon the Covenant of Grace : With feveral other Points of grand Importance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly Preacher of the Gofpel at St. Margaret!, New-FiNireet. Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and eletli:m lure, 2 Pet. a . a o. Examine your felves whether ye be in the faith 5 prove your own fives, know ye not your own felves, how that 3-efus Chrift is in you except ye, le re ire,- bates ? Or, 'AM:4414i, unapproved or rejetled, timnis anima ell aut fponfa Chrilli, aut adultera Diaboli. Ariftin. London, Printed and are to be fold by John Hancock at the firft Shop in " Popes-Head-Ailey in Cornkil, at the fign of the three Bibles, or nt his Shop in Bilhops-g ate-Street, near great St. Hellins, 1669,

To the Right Worthipful, Sir john Frederick, Knight, and the Lady Mary Frederickhis pious Confort. To Mr. Nathaniel Herne, and Mrs. 7udith his vertuous Wife. All confluence of bleilings, both for this Life and for that which is to,come, from the Father of Mercies and God of all Confolations. Honoured and Be1Oy6din our Lord jefus Hough 1 crud yotIr Names together,: yet I ewe more than an Epiftle to each of your Narocs s but the. Loyd having made yets near and dear one to another, more wayes than one, 1 take the boldnefs to prefent this Treatifete you jointly.. Here; is no- thing in this Book tba relates to the Government of Church or State : The defign of this Treatife is to mew what men are worth for Eternity, and how it is ilk' to A 2 g9.

Gr an f rtenk's tells of a wo- man that was fo affeEted with fouls milcarry- in,gs, that the befought God Ito flop up the a! age into ell with her foal and body, that none might have en- trance. o anima! Dea ' nfignit a imagi- ne, degonfata de, donat a fpiritu,e7t. Bern. 0 divine foul ! inve fled with the image of Goa, efpoufed CO him by aithp Etc. The Epiftle Dedicatory. go with them in another World. There are none of the fons of men, but bear about with them precious and im- mortal fouls, that are more worth than ten thoufand thou- land worlds ; if the foul be fafe all is fafe, if that be Iva all is well, if that be loft all is loft. The frit great work that men are to attend in this World, is the eternal fafety and fecurity of their fouls the next great work is to know, to be affured, that it jball go well with their fouls for ever. And thefe are the main things that are aimed at in this Difcourfe. The foul is the better and more noble part of man 5 upon the foul the Image of God is nsoft fairly flampt the foul is firft convert- ediandthe foul'/ball be raft and moil glorified the foul is that fpiritual and immortal fwbflance that is capable of union with God, and of communion with God, and of an eternal fruition of God: Plato' though a Hea- then, could fay, That he thought the foul to be made all of eternity, and that -the putting the foul into the body, was a fign of great Wrath fromGod. Each living corps muff yield at lag to death, And every life mutt leefe his vital breath. The foul of man that only lives on high, And is an image of Eternity. The Romans, when their Emperors and great Ones died, and their bodies were buried, they caufed an Eagle to mount on high, thereby to fignifle the fouls immortality and afcent. He gave good counfel, who faid, Play not the Courtier with your foul , the Courtier.doth all things late, he riles late, and dines late, and flips late, and repents later 4 Scythian Captain having for a draught of water delivered up his city, cryed out, Quid perdidi, quid prodidi ? What have 1 loft, what have 1 betrayed Piadargs.

The Epiftle Dedicatory. betrayed ? So ma. y at 1411 will cry out, What have lie what have I beirayed,: i have loll God, and chrip, and Heaven, and have betrayed my precious and immortal foul into the hands of divine Juftice, and into the hands of Satan. who thefe ?rien are that will at tall thus cry oat, this Treatife does difcover. r have rend that there was a time when the Romans did wear jewels on their /hoes moll men in this day do worfe, for they trample that rnatchlefs jewel of their fouls tinder feet and who theft are, this Treadle does difcover. One well ob--i Terve', That whereas God bath given many other cb,.yr things double, two eyes to fee with, two ears to hear with, two hands to work with, and two feet to walk with, to the intent that the failing of the one might be fupplied by the other ; bur he bath given us but one foul, and if that be loft, haft thou (faith he) ano. ther foul to give in recompence for it r New, who thole are whole fouls are in airafe eflate, and who thole are whore fouls are in danger of being loll for ever, this Treatife does plainly and fully difcover. To defcribe to Pfal. 15. the life who that man is that is truly happy in this P. r al. 144. Is'. wort ,and that fhall be bleli for ever in the other world, is the work of ibis enlaing Treatife. The grace of the Covenant in us is a fore evidence of Gods entring into Ithe Cotenant of grace with us. To be in a gracious fate is true happinefs, but to know our felves to be in fuch a /tate, is the top of our happinefs in this world. A man may have grace, and yet (for a time) not know it. The oh. 5. 1 child lives in the womb but does not know it. A man may be in a gracious 'late, and yet not fee, it ; he may have Pfal. 77. a laving work of God upon his foul, and yet not difecrit prai. 88, it; he may have the root of the matter in him, and yet not be able to evidence it, Now to help flab poor hearts to r a:

I Per. 2. 2) 3. I John 1. 221 135 14. Ica. 4o. TheEpiftle Dedicatory. to a right underitanding of their fpiritual condition, and Ithat they may fee and know what they are worth for ano- ither world, and fo go to their graves in joy and peace, 1 have fent this Treatile abroad into the world. Will you Lgive me leave to fay, Firg, Some men of name in their day have laid down tfuch things-Ay evidences or charaeters of grace, which being weighed in the ballance of the Sanctuary will be found too light. But here a mantle of love may be 01 more ufe than a lamp ; and therefore, Secondly, itiany,yea very .many there are, whole graces are very weak, and much burred under the earth and ajhes1 of many fears, doubts, fcruples, /Iraq pafsions, prevail- ing corruptions,and diabolical fsggeflions,who would give as many worlds &there be men in the world ( bad they fo many in their hands to give) to know that they have grace, and that their fpiritaat eflate is good, and that they Mall be happy for ever. Now) this Treadle u fitted up for the fervice of thefe pOor hearts ; for the weakeil Chri- flians may turn to many clear and well-bottomed eviden- ces in this Treatife, and throw the Gantlet to Satan, and bid him prove if he can that ever any prophane per - fort or cunning hypocrite under heaven bad 'rich eviden., co., or filch fair certificates to thew for heaven, which he has to The generality of chrifiians are weak, they are rather Dwarfs than Gyants, they are rather knifed Reeds than tall Cedars, they are Tither Babes than men, Lambs than ibeep, ere Nom, for the fervice of their fouls,1 have been willing to fend this Treadle in-: to the world; for this Treatife may fpeak to them when i may notoea when 1 cannot, yea which is more, when 1 am

The Epiftie Dedicatory. am not. Famous Mr. Dod would frequently fay, He cared not where he was if he could but anfwer thefe two Qileftions. 1. Who am I ? And, 2. What do I hear; am I a child of God, and am I in my war.' But, Thirdly, Some there are who are fo excefsively and immoderately taken up with their Signs,Marks and Evi- dences of grace, and of their gracious /ate, &c. that Chrifl is too much neglcaed, and more rarely minded by them, their hearts don't run out fo freely, fo fully, fo firongly, fo frequently, fo delightfully towards Chrift sss they (hoed 'do, nor 44 they would do, if they were not too inordinately taken up with their Marks and Signs. Now for the reaifying of thefe miff tikes, and the cure of theft. Cpiritual maladies, this Treatife is fent into the world ; we may and ought to make a fober ufe of charaolers and evidences of our gracious (fixes, to fupport, cores, fort,and encourage us in our way to heaven, but flill fubordi- nation to Chriji, and to the frefh and frequent exercifes of faith upon the perfon, blood, and righteoufnefs of yefus. But 0 ! how few Chrifilans are there that are skird in this Work of Works, this Art of Arts, this Myftery of Myfteries. But, Fourthly, Some there are who in thefe dayes are given up to Enthufiaflical Fancies, iirange Raptures, Reve- Where Chrift was born, they, were all fo ta- ken up with their guefls, that he was not minded nor re- garded ; when others lay in rarely room's, he tilt& be laid in a manger. Luke i. 7. lotions, and to the fad delufions of their own hearts, 4. crying down with all their might all difcoveries of Belie- a r r vers fpiritual eftates by Scripture Characters, Marks I Is and Signs of Sanctification, as carnal, and low, and all this under fair pretences of exalting C hrift , and maintaining the honour of his Righteoufnefs and Free- grace, and of denying our laves, and our own righteouf- nefs

LICIMIFE137211110.19InWiajapiCell. The Epift le Dedicatory. Jcr 33 S. Neff. hough fanelification be a branch of the Covenant ek. 36.2, - of grace a4 well as uflification, yet there are a fort of men in the world, that would not have Chriflians to re- joyce in their faxilification, under a pretence of refl ed- ing cliflionour, upon their free jisfilfication by C There are many who place all their Religion in opinions, in fick notions, in airy Ipeculations, in quaint diku- tations, in immediate Revelations, and in their warm zeal, for this or that form of worfhip. Now, that thefe may be recovered, and healed, and prevented from doing further mifohief in the world, 1 have at this time put to a helping hand. fiut, Fifthly, No man can tell what is in the breafis, in the womb of divine Providence; no man can tell what a a day, a night, an hour, may bring forth. Who can film up she many poffible deaths that are fill lurking in his own bowels, or the innumerable hofts of external dan- gers which beleaguer him on every (ide ? or how many tnvi fible arrows file about his ears continually ? and how foon he may have his mortal wound given him by one of them,who can tell ? Now, how fad would it be for a man to have a fiarnmons to appear before god in that other world, before his heart and life is changed, and his evi- dences for heaven cleared op to him ? The life of man is but a fhadow, a poft, a fpan, a vapour, a tlovver, Though there it but one way to cow into the world, ye there are many thoufand wages to be fent out of the world.; and this Amid belpeak every Chriflian to have his evi- dences for heaven alwayes ready and at hand, yea in his hand as well a in his heart, and then he will find it an eafie thing to die. Ike King of terrors will then be the King of defies to him,aNd he will then travel to glory tin- Tharacbmo- ni had their graves before their doort.The Sybarites at Banquets had a deaths head delivered from hand to hand by every vial at the Table. The Egyptians in the midft of their Feafis) ufed to have the Anatomy of a dead man let before them, as a memorandum to the guefts of their mortality. The poor flea - .hen could fay, thatthe whole :life of man

The Epiftle Dedicatory, under a fpirit of joy and triumph. We carry about in ,our bodies the matter of a thoulind deaths, and may die a thoufandfeveral wages feveral hours : As many fenfes, as many members, nay as many pores as there are in the body, fo many windows there are for death to enter in at. Death needs not fpend all his arrows upon us, a worth, a Griat,a Fly,. a Hair, &Pile _Of a a ker- nel of a Grape, the fall of a Horfe, the fumble of a Foot, the prick of a Pin,the pairing of aNall,the cutting one of a Corn ; all thefe have been to ethers, and any of them may be to us, the means of our death within the fpace of a few dayes, nay of a few hours. Don't it therefore highly concern its to have our evidences for heaven cleared, fealed,Aining and at hand. Nataralifis tell us, That if a man fees a Cockatrice fiat, the Cockatrice dieth 5 but if the Cockatrice fees a man firft, the man dies. Certainly, if we fo fee deg th as to preparefor it, as to get our evidences for heaven ready, we (hall kill it 5 but if death reef us firfi,and arrefis to MI before we are pre. pared, and before BUY evidences for heaven are cleared, it will kill as everlartingly, it will kill as eternally. Time travel eth with God's decrees, and in their feafon brings th-41i forth ; but little cloth any man know what is in the womb of to morrow, id God bath fignified his will by the event. 13J4tft no thy Pelf of to morrow, for thou know& not wl-Lt a day may bring forth. That man that knows what' himrelf intends to bring forth, does not knoa? what the dal will bring forth ; the next day ra not p neer the forme?, in time, as it may be remote from it in the efU:as o' iv Seneca could fay, of miferius dribitatione i7nienttum, quo evaclunt 5 There is no. thing more mifrr4ble than the doubtfainefs of things to Come,to what fley will come. Providence in this life is a the Chould be medi- tatio mortis, a meditation of death. Dwelt upon that,Detit, Prov. 27. I. Seneca, Epift. oz.

he Epiftle Dediatory. the Map of changes, the paw of mutability. Who carp flan up the firange circumferences, and rare circuits And 'labyrinths of providence. Providence is its a wheel in 'the midn of awheel, whofe motion, and work, and end in working, is not difcerned by every common eye. Three dreadful judgments God kath lately vifited us With, viz, Sword, Pelt& nce and Fire ; but who repents ? who ifa 1. I6,t7. finites upon his thigh e who finds out the plague of his Vfil. 106. z3. own heart ? who (ayes, what have I done e who ceafei from doing evil 3 who learns to do well:' who turns to the molt High:' who layes hold on everlafting ftrength e who makes peace with God ? who throws himfelf into the gap e ac. Are, not multitudes grown much worfe after judgments than they were before ? Don't they bid higher defiance to heaven than ever ? and therefore, who can tell what further controverfie God may have with fuch a people,- efpecially (pondering that terrible Scripture, Levit. 26. 14. to the 34. verf. with (cores of others that found that way. Were our forefathers alive, how fadly would they blufb to fee fuch 4 horrid degenerate po- fterity ea is to be found in the miry of us ? How is our iforefathers hofpitality converted into riot and luxury, their frugality into pride and prodigality, their fimpli- city into fuhtilty,- their fincerity into hypocrifie, their charity into cruelty, their chaftity into chambering and wantonnefs,their fobriety into drunkennefs,their plain- dealing into diffembling, and their works of compaffion into works of oppreflion, &c. And may we not fear, that even for thefe things God may once more vifit us. The Nations are angry, and we are low in their eyes; our icnemies are not afleep abroad, aid are not we too fecure lat home e and what further conclufions may be in the world, who can divine ? I point at thefe things only to pro-

The Epiille Dedicatory. provoke all thofe into whole hands this Treatife may, all, to make fure work for another world, to make lure ! their evidences for heaven, and to keep their evidences ! for life and glory alwayes fparkling and fhining, anal. then I am fore the worj1 of calamities, the foreff of judg. ments, Pall but tranflate them from earth to heaven, ram a wildernefs to a paradife,frons mifery to glory,& ram mixt and mutable enjoyments, to the pure & ever-; lafling enjoyments of God, Chrifi, the Angels and the pirits of jail men made perfea, Heb, I 2.122)23)24. Be,: Sixthly and 1411y, In this Treatife, \4c in a Glafs, all forts of profane perfons, and all forts of felf-flat- Iterers, and all forts of hypocrites may fee, r. That their parent ftate and condition is not h fafe, nor yet o happy as they judge it to be. Again, in this Treatife, is in a Glafs, all forts of profane perfons, and all forts of felf- flatterers, and all forts of hypocrites may fee, \2. The happy and bleffed 'late of the people of God, againg whom their fpirits rife and fweli, &c. Again, in ithis Treatife, as in a Glafs, allforts of profane perfons, and all forts of fell-flatterers, and all forts of Hypo- crites may fie, -3. What thofe things are that they need, and that they ought to beg of -God. Largain, in this Treatife, g,s in a Glafs, all forts of Profane perfons,and ,all forts of felf-flatterers, and all forts of hypocrites may fee, 4 What thole things are, without which they can neither be happy here nor hereafter. Now, were there no other Reafons for my fending forth this Trea- tife into, the world, this alone might juflifie me. But Honoured and Beloved, before 1 clofe up this Epiftle, give me leave to fay, That there are two forts a 2 0

Gen. 3(s. 2.7.8t 9 2.1,22,2 3, 2441 41. ON'. 2 King. 2,12; Pfal. 106. 2 3. N nrn,16.46.49 Though I $o , no, I dare not iay,that every publick fpirit ii.s a. gracious I 1 ipirit, yet this inuftfky, that every gracious, fpirit is a pub- lick fpiriti, The Epiftlibedicatory. of men that my felf, and all the world, are bound, r. Highly to prize. 2, Cordially to love. And, 3.Great. ly to honour above all other men in the world, and they are the fe Firfl, men of publick fpirits. Secondly, men of charitable fpirits, men of merciful fpirits, men of tender and compaffionate fpirits. Fir/f, men of publick fpirits, my felf and all others are bound, 1. Highly to prize. z. Cordially to love. And, 3. Greatly to honour above all other men in the world, and that, Firft,Becauft 4 publick fpirited man t a common good, a common blejing ; all in the Family, all in the Court; all in the City, all in the Countrey, fare the better for that hriftians fake that is of a publick fpirit. All in Labli's- it did faro the better for Jacob's fake land friiiii all in the City =Z oar did fare the better for Lot's fake , and all Pharoah's Court, and the whole Countrey of Egypt did fare the better for Joleph's fake. Sodom was- late whiljl Lot was in it; Eliah was a man of a publick fpirit, and he n' the chariots and horfemen of I frael Moles was a man of a publick fpirit, and he often di- verted ruining judgments from falling upon lfrael. Phineas Wad a man of a publick fpirit, and,he takes up kis Confer anstflands between the living and the dead, and the Plague was flayed. Men of publick fpirits are publick mercies, publick bleffings ; a man of a publick fpirit is poivor ocyccedv.) a publick, cliffofive bleffing in the place where he lives ; men of publick-fpirits are the true Addles both of Church and State, they are the Pillars on whom all do-reA the Props on whom all do lean-; do bAft.overturn there Pillars, and all wilt fall about y007

The Ep iffie Dedicatory. your ears, as the "haare did about the Philiftines when Sa,mpfon /hook it ; wrack but thefe, and Kingdoms, and Commonwealths /ball be quickly wracktthem (elves. when Metellus heard of the death of Scipio Africanus a man of a publick fpirit, he ran out into the market-place and cryed out, 0 Citizens, come forth and confult what is to be done, for the walls of your City are fallen down. Sat, Secondly, Becaufe publick fpirited Chrifiians are mat like to chrift, and to the choiceft and 011,fi excel- lent Saints. chrift left his Fathers bofom for a publick good, he affumed our nature for 4 publick good, he trod the wine-prefs of his Fathers w-ath for apablick good, he died for a publickgood, and he rofe fir a publickgood, he afcended to heaven for a publick good, and he conti- nues in heaven for a publick good s when he was in this world he went up and down doing good, he healed o- thers but was hurt himfelf, he fed and filled others but was hungry hinsfelf ; Chrift was all for a publick good. Look not everyman on his own things, but every man alfo on the things of others. Let this in you which was alfo in Chrift Jefus. though felf be a great Pickier, yet be that will write after Chrigs Copy, muff negleEt himfelf to ferte others.' 7 bat Chi iffian ads mofi like chrift, who prefers the publick intereji before his own private interefl. The Stars have their bright. nefs not for themfelves, but for the ufe of others ; and the Sun hash her fbining light, but not for her felf, but for others. In the natural body every member is diffo- live, the eye conveys the lighr,tbe head fpirits the liver, blood, &c. And why [herald it-not be fo in the politick body, al fo ? And as chrift, fo Moles was 4 man of a publick 2, John 17. Heb. z. fa. 63. 3. lkom.8.3o,3 t, 32,33. Heb. 7, z 5. John 14.1, a, 32 4. Ads 50. 38. Pht1.2.415 Chrift made himfeif poor to wake others rich,but men of narrow fouls make others poor to make themfclves rich; t Cor. 6. 8. Cor, S. 9.

The Epi file Mdicatory. ublick fpirit, when god made a very fair profer to him, Exec!. 32,. to, that he, would make him a great Nation, if he would Itoz,S1 Nla11.14 but Rand Neuter till he had revenged htmfelf upon a 13,14. rebellious people ; but Moles had no mind to prefer.. inmc upon thole terms, he preferr'd the publick good before his own honour, profit and advancement, and therefore follows God clofs, and never gives over ; ver-.13.14. ,ing for them till he had procured their pardon, and !turned away the wrath of God from them. So Jain j°1 'P, 42 was a man of a publick fpirit. When they had made an end of dividing the Land for inheritance by their coafts, the children of Ifrael gave an inheritance to fofhaa the fon of Nun among them. ollnoi might have ferved himfelf firft, and he might have taken as large an Inheritance as he had pleafed, but he preferr'd the good of the people before his owe ; who had di- vided the Land to others, was himflf contented with very mean preferment, for his inheritance was among Hierom. the bairen Mountains, as fame olferve. So Jehoiada Chro2.was a man of a publick fpirit 3 you read that they buried 2,446 him in the City of David among the Kings, becaufe he had done good in Ifrael, both towards God and towards his houfe. Men of publick fpirits fhall be hopoured both Nth° 5".14,15.,living and dying. So Nehemiah was a man of a brave Either io publick fpirit, he holds on twelve years togetherin pub- ' 4. lick work upon his oWn coil and charge. So Either was one "of a publick fpirit., and therefore the takes her life in her hand, and goes in to the it,g with an If I per;fb, I perifh. Andfc Mordecai was a man of a fpi- rit. Mordecai the Jew was next unto Ring Ahafbuzrus, ion 5; andgreat among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude Efth; of his brethren, feeking the wealth of leis people, and fpeaking peace to all his feed. Mordecai was more mind.

The Epale Dedicatory. Ifoi ald careful of his peoples peace, proiperity and welfare, than he was of his own concernments. And fo 1 David was 4M411 of a publick fpirit, for after he had ferved his own generation he fell ape?. The fpirit of the Lord has put this upon record for Davids honour and our imitation. Davids foul did net live in a narrow Bowlmg-alley, he was not a man of fo poor, low and narrow a fpirit, as to make himfelf the center of hi., de figns and aaions. David was a man of a generous, noble fpirit, the publick good lay neareft his heart, and to ferve his generation he- was willing to fpend and be fpent. The publick fpirited man of all men' is moat like to G hrift, and to thole Worthies who were once glo- rious on earth, and are now triumphing in heaven. The ...A /Wile fpeaks of fome who are lovers of themfelves, 2 Tim. 3. a. and who are feekers of themfelves, Phil. 2. 2 r. and who are minders of themfelves, Phi/.3.t9. They mind earthly things. of all thefe we may fay as God fpeaks of Ifrael, lintel is an empty vine, he brings forth fruit unto himfelf 5 yea of all theft we may fay, that light is not more contrary to darknefs, heaven to hell, glory to dame, than theft are contrary to Chrifi, and to thofe precious fervants of his who are crown'd ant' chronicled in the blejed Scriptures for their publick fpi- ritednefs and publick ufefulnefs in the ;mid. But, Thirdly, Men' of publick fpirits are rare men, excel- lent men, of all men'they moil re femble God, who does good to all., there are none fo excellent and truly ho- lnourable as thefe. All the Inftances cited to,make good 'the *end partiCular evidences this, to which 1 may add that of Daniel, who MIS a man of a publick fpirit, and tof that excellent fpirit , as that he carried the Bell from 3 Mat. 5. 45. Pis ' bonus mg- gis arils prodeg quam libi,

In Auftius ac= count he was the gallanteft of all the old Items. The Epiille Dedicatory. from all the Prefidents and Princes of Darius his Court. Dan. 6.3., Then this Daniel was preferred a- bove the Prefidents and Princes, becaufe an excellent fpirit was in him, and the king thought to fet him over the whole Realm. l might give you many, other Inflances from the Patriarchs and Apoftles, but what 'need that, when blind nature (peaks fo had in the cafe. ,men of publick fpirits have been very excellent and honourable in the very eyes of all the Heathen. Take a few Inflames among the many hundreds that might be produced. M. Attilius Regulus was a man of that publick fpirit, that he valued neither State nor Life to ferve his Countrey and preferve his own honour ; he I got very much for his Countrey, but little for himfelf, feven s4eres of Land being all that ever he had he Wolk/ a man highly honoured anion the Romans. Titus Vefpafian was 4 man of a publick fpirit, he overned fo fweetly, moderately and prudently, that he was generally termed Delitix humani generis, the de- light of mankind; he was greatly honoured whilfl he lived, and when he died the people wept fo bitterly or Aim, as if they had been refolved to have wept OVA eyes. Curius Dentalus was a man of a publick fpirit, and very .villorious ; when his Countrey wa:friled, he was mid at dinner feeding hard on a flow parched-Peafe, when the Amblffadors were fent to tender him a great of gild, iVich be retitled, raying, He had IP:::her be his reale, v= bile they whom he ruled over hoc: the gold, tl-,an 1.e to have the gold and they the Pea e.; When fume io.worth perfons once acenfed him for keep- ins

---- The Epiftle Dedicatory. ing back fomewbat from the publick, he brought forth wooden platter, and did (wear, That it was all he had refereed to himfelf of the fpoyls. He 'WM had in great honour and reputation among the people. That Pilot dies nobly (faith Seneca) who perifh- eth in the ftorm with the Helm in his hand. Ariftides VMS a man of a publick fpirit; after the overthrow of the Perfians, when there was a Mafs of treafure, gold, filver, and rich apparel, he would net touch it, nor take fo much as one farthing of it to himfelf, he was in high e fleens among thepeople. Tully in his Book of Scipio's dream; brings in a dead Father (now in heaven as he fteppofed) encouraging his [onto do fervice for his Countrey (wherein himfelf had given him a molt noble and notable example) upon a very high confideration, viz. There is a rnefl Pare and certain place in heaven for every man that /hall procure the weal of his Countrey, either by freeing it from peril, or increafing the happinefs of it any way. To hear a Gen- tile tell ot' heaven, as of a thing certain ; to hear him tell of certain places provided thete for thole that fliould do vertuoufly, to have the fervice of ones Countrey pre fed On his foul with fo celeflial an argument, what matter of wonder and admiration is it ! Another fpeaking of men of publick fpirits, faith, Such ennobled fpirits, they are the dear off-fpring, the delight and care of God 5 a tivine race it is,from the heavens they come down to us, and to the hea vens again when ever they take their leaves of us, (hall they triumphantly return. Cicere;.

if The Ep iftle Dedicatory.. Cataline faycs the Satyriff) a trouble of man. kind grows as the wee4, almoll every where but 4 Bru. tus, a worthy Patriot, that bears the welfare of others, the true profperity of his native Land upon his heart, and lets his eyes perpetually 'thereon for good ; filch an one is a rare jewel, worthy of all honour and embraces where ever he is ound. Men of publick fpirits of all men, do .ref exalt the Lord, and honour the Lord, and therefore the Lord firft or Mei will mofi exalt them and honour them. in all the Ages of the world, and in all the Nations of the world, men of mpfl publick fpirits have been bell beloved, and rnofi highly honoured. 44 man of a narrow {-pick is like the Hedge-hog, that ne- ver gees alroad. but to gather what he can for himfelf, I who ever fuffer ty it ; but a man of-a publick fpirit is like the Pellican that draws out ber own. blood for the Iva of others, and therefore the light of nature as well as the Law of grace, will lead men by the hand to ho- nour fuck. ,-, 4. Doth the Bee gather honey . I Qt it fell ? . DCth the Sheep yield wool for it felt ? Doti. not all creatures ferve the com- munity. Non nobii plum na- ti, i'a1,-1' the Heathen. Feuraly, Men of publick fpirits do moll- and beflt anfwer to one of the nobleft and higheft ends of their creation. By the Law of creation every man is bound to ferve the publick, to ferve his generation. A nar- row, a private fpirited man is a Marne to his Creation; becaufe he walks fo contrary to the great intendment of God in it. 'Tic a bale and unworthy fpirit, for a man to make himfelf the Center of all his actions. The ve- ry Heathen man could fay, That a mans Countrey and his Friends, and others, challenge a great part of him. That man fins aping the very Law of his being, who is fwalloweci up in his on private interefts. Men of publick fpirits lhould not bear the fword of Office

The Epiftle Dedicatory. in vain, for by the Law of creation they are bound fo) to handle it as to be a terror to evil doers, and a praife to them that do well, 'Tis cruelty to the good to fpare the bad, 'tis wrong to the Sheep. to let the Wolves alone, 'tis the death of the Lambs to (pare the Lions, if you will pity Cataline ( fayes one) pity Rome much more'; let the whole have a Pare in your pity rather than a part: (Pereat unus magic quatn unitas) better have one inju- rious perfon fit mourning, than a whole Nation Lin- g'iti thing, &c. (Men of publick fpirits fhoul.3 be for the: cafe of all, and the peace of all, and the comfort of all, and the encouragement of all, and the fafety of all. But this Age is full of Droans and Cyphers, and of 1piritlers, lifelefs men, who look at nothing, who clefign. nothing, who airs at nothing, and who endeavour no thing, bat how to raife them elves, and greaten them- felves,and inrich themfelves,aud build up themfelves, though it be upon others mines. Hew-many are there who are fro 'wallowed tip in their own inthefts and private concernments, that Ga,llio./ike, they care not whether the publick fink or fwini. Thefe put me in mind of Jo- thams. Parable.' The Trees went forth to anoint a King over them. They go to the olive, to the Fig-tree, and to the Vine 5 but jball 1 leave my Posers, faith the olive ? 1 leave my fweetnefs, faith the Fig-tree 4: and !hall I leave my wine, faith the Vine, and go up and down for other Trees? This is the "very temper, fpirit and carriage of many in our day if you go to them and defire them to lay out themfelves for the publick good, What fay fame, fl all we leave our cafe, oar pleafure, our profits if And fay others, Shall we run this and that hazard,? Shall we lafe filch and fuch friends, and create to our felves fuch and jach enemies, to ferve other' men, b a to R=1, 13. 3) 4 Ali is 7. Judg. 9. S3 9; 102 11) acc.

The Ep iftle Dedicatory, to fave other men, to advantage other men ? we cannot do it, we will neler do it.. Learned Tully was a zealous Patriot and loldr of his Countrey 5 he will:led two wifhes ! (though he never w ra either of them effeeled) one was, That he might ter.: Rome, fettled in its juft, liberties ; and the other wars, That he might fee every mans elate proportionable to his affection and love to the publick. Doubtlels if Tullies wifb might take place in our times, the plies of many would be more empty, and thepublick:Coffers would be more f HR. But, Fifthly, ,of all men on earth, there are none that have fuch a Rock of prayers going for them as men of publick fpirits. men of publick fpirits are not only moll highly prized, and cordially loved, and greatly honour» ed, but they are alfo moll upon the hearts of all fober and ferious Chriftians, when they are in the mount with God. The lives of fuch are moll defirable, and the deaths of fob will be molt 4amented, who make it their bufinefs to ferve their generation.. Men of publick fpirits gall never die as Jehoram did, undefired and unlamented. Olen of publick fpirits lye moll open to pares, tempta- tions, and oppofitions, dec. This all, fober Chriflians well underfiand, and therefore they can't but pray hard for fuch .. The names, the lives, the liberties, the eftates, and .411 the concernments of men of publick 1 fpirits alwayes lye nearefl their hearts, who lye neereft to the heart of Chrift. Men of the greater' name, and of the greatefl renown, and that have had the greatefi Hoek of prayersgoing for them all the world over,have been men of publick fpirits, But, Si,xthly,and laftly,When Chrtlfli4ns of publick fpirits come

The Epale'Dedicatory. come to dye) their publick fpiritednefs and general ufe- fulnefs will be no frnall comfort and cordial to them, Nehemiah was a man of a publick fpirit, and accord- ingly he pleads it with God. Think upon. me, 0 my God for good, according to all that I have done for this people._ This way' that which frveetned death to Hezekiah, I befeech thee, 0 Lord, to xemember I have walked before thee in truth,and with l 117 1."1g. 20.3. a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in " 13.36' thy fight. And when David had ferved his generation, he fell afleep. Sleep is not more welcom ahel tweet to a labouring man, than death-is to him who has mae it his buffing', his work fincerely and faithfully to ferve his generation. Such Magiftrates, Minifters and Chrifti. ans who have made it their bufinefs according to their dif- 1°1'"17. I ferentmeafures faithfully to ferve their generation, have of terrors to be but the King of defires' to them ; whth death to mencof narrow, felfifh fpirits, hash been like the hand-writing upon the wally ypry ter- Dan.5.5, 6. rible. Many (core Inftancet might be produced out :ofIli- iory to evidence this. Take one for all. Henry Beau- ford that rich and Wretched Cardinal, Bilhop of Win- chefter, and Chanceliour of England (a man [wallowed up in fell.. intere(t) in the Reign of Henry the Sixth, when he perceived that he mull dye, and that there was Ms and Mon.; no remedy, 0 ! how terrible was death to him: and, 0! f 1 0 .925. how did he murmur, and fret, and vex at death, that his riches could not reprieve him till a further time ? For, faith he, wherefore fhould I die being fo rich ; if the whole Realin would lave my life, I am able either by policy to get it,_ or by riches to buy it. Fie. upon death (faith -he) will not death be hired ? willmoney do nothing. I might inflance in men of a higher rank bra See Chap, 13..a.

The Italian iforn3 of beg- ging is,Do good to your (elves. Prov. 3. 9, Mic. 4. 13. Dent. 11. it I. Mat. 15. Prov,31.8,9. Job t9.13. 2, Tim. I. 16. I he Eplitie Ded icatory. but then 1 ihould exceed the bo The fecond fort of men, that my feii and all others are bound. I. highly to prize. 2. Cordially to love. 4nd 3. Greatly to honour : tare men of charitable fpi-i rits,men of mereiful fpirits, men of tender and compaf.t fionatefpirits. The ebrew word for godly it:rt figmflest° merciful, to note that the godly man is the merciful man, and the merciful than u the godly man. Loving kindnefs is an ingredient unto godlinefs. The godly man is frequently called Chafid, gracious or merciful; It notes one that bath obtained mercy, goodnefs, grace, piety and benignity from the Lord, ,and that is pious, kind, gracious and merciful mothers.- Though charity, bounty, if the molt compendious way to plenty, and giving to getting, and fcattering to encreafing, and layisogs out to layings up, Prov. 24. There is that fcattereth, and yet increafeth. ver. 25. The liberal foul (hall be made fat, and he that watereth fhall be watered alfo himfelf: Yet how few in our dayes do ho- nour the Lord with their fubflance ? how few lock a' this as a duty, to confecrate any part of their gain unto the Lord, or of their fubflance to the Lord of the whole earth ? Me men now carry it as if God himfelf had 1011 his propriety, and As if there were no rent-penny due to his poor. But yeti:me there are, who have liberal hearts and open hands; force there are, who do open their hands wide to the poor and needy: Now, here give me leave to fay, That thefe, I. Di f charge their confciences in the duty of charity, 2. Thefe rightly improv the ta. tents of mercy, with which they are introfted. 3.7 hefe trealure up a flock of prayers, both for thern[elves and theirs the bleffing and the prayers of them that were ready to perith will come upon them and theirs. 4. Thefe evidence

The EpaleDedicatOry. eLidericesthe livelinefs of their faith, Barnes 2.17. Even fo faith, if it bath not works, is dead being alone. Ver. S. Yea, a man may fay thou haft faith, and I have Works ; chew me thy faith without thy works-,, and I will (hew thee my faith by my works. e'er. 26. For as the lady without the fpirit is dead, fo faith without works is dead alto. 5. There take the frdrefl way, the readieft eagle to afiu-e their own fouls of Gods eternal favours and mercies to -them, I Tim. 6. 17. Charge them that be rich in this world. Ver. i &That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to diftribute, willing to communicate. Vcr. 19. Lay- tAterna rug up in (lore for themfelves a good foundation a- vera vita. Aug. Pailla the time to come, that they may lay hold on 0 eternal life. Charitable chrillians are as wife Merchants, happy tifurers7parting with that which they cannot keep, that they may gain that which they cannot lofe. 6.. 7 hefe take the furefl way to draw down more outward mercies cP ilex. augmented upon themfidver. The fountain is not diminilbed, but by giving water to the thirfly. The widows, oyl did increafe by running ; we do net lofe, but in- _creare our mercies by imparting of them for God's ha- neur,and. the comfort. and benefit of others. Givg ( faith chrig) and it (hail be given to you, good meafure; prefred down,and together, and running over, (hall men give into your, beim. The Jews were large and loofe garments, fo that they could bear away much in I their -bofoms. fence this exprefsion, into your bofom., The meaning. That the Lord will largely reward the beneficence of his people ; yea, that he will fo reward ithem,that they (hall perceive that they are rervarded.Ho- i.nour the Lord with thy fubflance,,fb fhall-ithy Barns P re V 3 p ;;;, be filled with plenty, and thy preffes fhall burft out with Lu't 6. 3 S,

he Epiftle Dedicatory. 1 with-new wine, god will certainly blefs t heir fabflance, who honour him with their fubflance. The Jews at this day, though they are not in their own Countrey, and though they have not a Levitical Prieflhood, yet thole who will be reputed Religious among ft them do difiribute the tenth of their increafe to the poor, being perfwaded that God cloth Uefs their increafe the more ;for they have among them a very elegant Proverb to tbat purpofe s De- cima ut dives fias, Pal thy tythes that thou mayefl be rich. The poor mans hand. is Chrifis Treafury, and he *ill not lofe his reward that cafts his mites into that Treafury. It is fabled of Midas, that what ever he touched he turned st_into gold. But this is moft fure, that whatever the hand of charity taucheth, it turneth it into g Id ; be it but a cup of cold water, nay into heaven it ftlf, Mat. to. 42. And whofoever !hall give to drink,un- to one of thefe little ones, a cup of cold water only, in the name of a Difciple, verily I fay unto you,, he than in no wife lofe his reward. coldJvater having not fuel to heat it, cold water which coil not the charge of fir, to warm it. A Sea of pleafures, a heaven of blef- fings attends,,men of charitable minds, though their charity can extend no further than to a cup of cold wa- ter ; for god meafures mens deeds by their minds, and not their minds by their deeds. The Kenites in Sauls time, that were born many Ages after Jethro's death received life from his duli, and favour from his hofpita. lity; nay,the very Egyptians, for harbouring,and at firfl dealing kindly with the Ifraelites, though without any re- fpeel to their righteoufnefs, were preferved by Jofeph in Ithat fore famine, and kindly dealt with -ever after by Gods fpecial command. I have read a fiery of one Eva. grius a rich man, who lying upon his death-bed, and be- ing Godro . 777. The fafefl is the poor mans Box. God will never for- get your chari- ty to his, lleb. 6. i o. Cicero could fay, that to be richis not to poifefs much, bat to de much And Seveca could rebuke them that fo. fiudied to en- creafe their wealth,- that they forget to de it.

-----------7, -7-- . ing imerttsned vy Sine this, 4 pots .B kilo?). to give Foe. thing o charicable des, he yielded at Taft to give three hiadred -pounds, 6ett pig; took bond of the Bithop that it old be n:, om& him in another world ; kat before he had keen one day d,e,gda be is raid to have appeared to the Bi- lk)? delivering i3 the bot;dcaticeile4 41 thereby ackleort,.. 4fc 'sing, that what was proollied m,,,s made goo whi. lther the Relation il tAbaleia on x6?t,t i lhaa not no iland to dem-pi:iv; bra this is certain, that all as ,/ cheitl fh 4 l'T be c.rtainly and fignaily rewarded. Several - , . - - '' , rricers obfeyve that the groimd ia.mofi barren Nt4r the golden Mines 5 and ex pelf:ease tell' p4s, that man , 1 wh are enrrichtd glith fat,' cfi2tes, ore m®i barren in ! good works, big the will he bitternecs in the end, ,r,--ie i that fides` cool ale two Scriptqres (among Ilan, ellen.) will conclo;de,that he that hash a withered isand haz ni honefi heart, a Ohre; 3 Ia t5 00 1 yak; 1. .F,7 Ihe wealth that mck men have ie kt a Ariftotle ea: it Ecelix amen- tie, a happy madvis 4'cAttle ;h4'.1 are co sa,t.en cip wit; their that they wisher .x.Nnu viTa? ,6-tti a,,,,:, ,14,1, , F ills,t, ." what they dot, lokepur3 -ritivg of t,',ie Irtiau-s of Egypz, 4%4b) That they were blood in the hands of,a,n1,6n?- i tiara, but water in the hand ©f an *aelite® '13747e4/..k in i the ,hand of a worll.uc ng i like b- i0 aoa in tree q hard P,) 1 il good for nothirt brA4 wealth in the hand of a c, i tabit!Cliriftian it iike water in the hand, hich ma, lure both t# a 04X1 fel f eind others. By what ha; been C 1 'there '' nothing more evident than thi 4, viz. ' 7 hai me' o of publick fpirits, and men of charitable fpirits, of 4:4 men on earth, are 1 T ,,c;o11 ;,ighly prized. 2, Moll ) , . . I - ,/ 1( lcordialilloYed. And 3® Molt gruff), honoured, &e.., 1 Sesetieroex, thole that 4411 read what I kave writ in I this EVAle, coneernimg publick 1piritednefs and chari. if tal)1:7- d Ro:Jr, yofet44-

The Epiftle Dedicatory. tableneS, and know you well, they know how to make the Application without any further diretlion from me. Si, John, I 04 crave leave to fay, that it It( and will beyour honour and comfort, both in life and death, and in the day of your account, that in all the great Places, offices and Employments unto which divine Providence has celled you for divers years together, you have laid out your time, your firength, your e flate for the publick good when o: hers have been prying them (elves upon the pub- lick, you have been a ferving of the publick. Sir, Ws yeso great mercy and happinefs, that you Can fiend forth andfay, as once Samuel did, Behold, here I am, wit- nefs againft me,,whofe Ox have I taken:' or whofe Ms have I taken,: or whom have I defrauded whom Ihave I oppreffed f or of whole hand have I re- ceived any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith : jour prudence and moderation before your Mayoralty, aid in it (when you had many a narrow bridge toga over) and after it, to this day wik never be forgotten by all fiber Citizens. Sir, the French Hiftory tells us, that when an old Courtier would needs depart from the Court, and retire himfelf to a private life, the King defired him to leave his advice in fome generalRules, about the go- vernment of his Kingdom: Upon this motion of the King, the old Courtier took a Peet of white paper, and writ upon the top of the leaf Moderation, a,nd in the middle of the leaf Moderation, and at the bottom of she leaf Moderation, intimating to the King, that the only way to keep his Kingdom in Peace and Profperity, ma to manage his Government throughout with a fpirit of Moderation. When Vefpafian'askd Apollonius Neromild tune the Harp well, but in Government he what wies the cafe of Nero's min; he anftvered,7'hat did:,,

The Epiftle Dedicatory. -,---------,-, --------- dial alwayes wind up the firings too high, or let them down too low. Both of your flaying in London in the time of the lag grea Plague, when death pry' is at every win- dow, and when moil Magiftrates, Miniflers and Peo. ple were fled from their Habitations (the terror of the Lord and tf his judgments being Tay greA t in that day, upon all forts and ranks tf men) and that chiefly, main- ily (if not only) upon 't he account of publick icrvice, and that nothing might le wanting on your fide, to preferve poor creatures (ran perithing. The old Romans for lef- fir fervices than you did in thtfe difmal dayes have fit up many a flatue of trap. 5 tut the Lord is faithfed, and will not forget to reward your wok, your great work, year hazardous work, and that matchlefs love and bawls that you Ihew'd to vet y many that were impoverifted for want of Trade, and to very many that lay in a fick, lang4- ing and dying condition : How free, how full, hcarfea- onalle, how futable, how impartial, hew conliant, artct well regulated your charity then weo,and fin ce bath leen, is very 'veil known to God above, and to June faithful friends //ill alive ; tut all will out in the great day. I Mgt. 21. ,knew you don!: love -that your left hand Pad know wha , hap. 6.3. l'our right hand cloth, and therefore i fhall net provoke you by founding a Trumpet. The ,k, 4 ;leis have then Ezeic.1.8. & hands under their wings, they do much good, and yet .'°' 8° make no noife. There are fome in the world that ar like to them; the Violet grows low and .covers it felf with its own leaves, and yet of all flowers yields the' moll fragrant fmell to others. There are fome charitable Chriftians Mat referable thisfweet flower. 'Gentlemen and Ladies, your refreas and undeferVed favours, :hot have been many wages manifc fled loot c 2 mei&

ThEpL© Dedicatory , me, I,4th ersboldned me to Dedicate 4sd prefent se pm tii,is Treatife 4s re41 'reflimony vf my Qrsfeigincl k'ove,fervice gratituce And deEres to promote the ister. 041 4nd eternal welfare of 411 your precious 4ndimrnor - tag fouls ;' yfral where could 1 r$r 47P. body _elle) be .,, i ii ore trtili ferv:capqe to yom th4N iv evae4vetoring c ote yegr aifurauce cf etcrnal fa,ivetioi; which is the grind De,Egn And Projea e th ' ooko life ,t he Cad 4 ,..,, of 411 grace fill all yamr he4rts with 41l the fiqo't,s el 7ligb , teoufne,1's 4741holie f s,Asto 411 riches of tke 11411 kairvrancei , °t underftanding, 4Aggi of faith gd hope is this Life, 4Nd at /off CTOrP7d you all (4/44-yours) ith hgelf4ge ,,, glory in the 17(e to come. 're ,4'e everlapesggrms er his: prott,9:,,,,,,,, .,,d t the papesi441 intuences o f hii ig:ace 4wi raecy -'41 chrft2 be 6-0R,Tmod; o 414 rih # a 'Our ritiehtNize:di rd 0RO_iontte krtlat ma slcar Lord Jeftu. It Po At "i6> ito

stO :.1tttr+ 10 a Of the appearance of fih. fight Argartents to arm CF. tJe appearances of fin. s d to z 26 Of Affiance. The re , re and evidence of the lea crave, ' lea of the leaf degree of the lea ,graves may afford Foxe meAfgre of tr- fsingis ce 19, so That Cbriflians mom PlfOre ealify attAin v0 4 comfDrtatle afgrance of their ,"dogs eft ate than many (I than ) do apprehend or believe ;Thtsle giy aid f .3, vade 5. to 5.7, Atre is a tkreefold egrarance 27 PerftEtiox f Afgrance;in rerpeti of de- irew 40 Attainable k thte life° X7, AfAranee t not to be enetied by array gXgrAOrdiii4ry Ng, Of RMe14t1011. 59, 6° dfitrance exelodu not all feat dombts,. 4.on drc., 3515. 351i About babes it grace 1(e genemiii, of Cbrj Jost' are brit Bakes ir4 ira, 33153/.4 About changing a tnans conditions godly mar; woes change-his conditi- on with wen of this werid, for ten ;holland, worlds 2,CIO)2,. Ct About chufing. Mo man can chafe ,God and Chrift., grad and Tiory, -bolinefs and Lppi- ners, 41 their chiefeit gocil, int fhfch 7;oho are really food 0%.) to' the comrnands of God He that ba;b refpeEi to Ali cox, mands,fhall 1.4eve7 be 0,1;20?): 40 4 See 0, of Obedience, About heart-condemning, He ,Thole heart dons net condf-xn him, in .1e things, may have confidence to- vards tied. 29, So About confelion of fine Thefecond part of trac repentance !yes in colefeiTion of fir8 ,S37,236 There are eight properties or loalifi ca- tions of trxe penitential iciifeffivN o, 3 9 30 5.5 Of the Covenant of grLce, -6 Wk.:11; a Chri tare cajh 1,,;$ ej,g tiPoN his

The Contents. gratious evidences, he mutt remem- ber that he has to do with God in a Covenant of grace 83, 84, 85, 86,87 Th.. Covenant of grace is 4 Chrtf flans Fort Royal 363, ;64 In the Covenant of grace, God flands engaged to give what ever be requires, which is evidenced by an induCtion of twelve particulars. 364, to 369 The Covenant is everlafling, in two re- fpoEls 37o, 373, 374 The Covenant is a fure Covenant. 370, 37 '1 372 About delighting in God. Five Arguments to prove that no Hy- pocrite can delight himfelf in God. D 322,323 Of defires. That true defires of grace is prate , proved by fax Irgtaments. 170,to17 8 No man can fincerely defire grace for grace fake, but be that has true grace. 178,179,180,181 Noman can finarely defire every. grace, but he that has grace. ,181, 182 No man eau fincerely and gracioufly de- fire grace for gracious ends and pr. pates, but he that has true Frace in his foul. 182, 183 No man canfincerely defire, and earn( f- ly endeavour after the highell pitches of grace, but he that has grace. 183, to 186 No man can algayes defire grace, but he that true grace ,1136., a 7 'No man can fincerely defire to abosend , to. ' abound and excel ?soft in thofe parti . cular graces, which are' molt oppofite and contrary to thofe particular fins which his natural temper,conflitution complexion, 6-c. does moll expofe him and incline him to. 5.. 187,t 88,189 About the dominion of tin, He over whom prefamptious fins have no dominion, is upright. 29 Eight ways for a man to knot,' whether he be under the dominion of fin Cr no. 39, to 48 .Againft truiting in our own duties. Three Arguments 4944 trefing in oh own duties. 374,375)376)377)&6% F. Of Evidences. Sound solid Evidences are the. left way to prevent ddfrifions 4, 5 Two fpecial Rules are fill to be ferioufly. minded in propounding of Evidences for men to, try theirfpiritnal and eter- nal eater by 6,7. Seven Reafons why many men cry down Marks and Signs, and deny fanaifi- cation to be an evidence of mans flexion. 337,338,339, 340, 341 342 'Tis lawful and ufeftel to make hire of gracious evidences. 341)343 Suib Saints as are now triumphing in glory, have made rife of their graciou evidences, &c. 343,3441345.346 Ile that can find but one gracious dence in his foul, be may fafely con- clude that all the refl Gre there. 347 What a Chriliian (toteld do when his evi- deners are fo clouded and blotted, that, he cannot read them.352,3 5 3,3 541 355) 3 56i