Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

68 A Box of recious Ointment : Or, grace will certainly arm a Chriftian againii many ternpta- !Lions, and fweetly fuppotthim under many affliaions, and exceedingly heighten and raife his refoluticns ; he knows that probabilities of grace will turn croffes into Crowns, forms into calms, and Winter nights into Summer dayes ; Satan knows that probabilities of grace will make every bitter fweet, and every fweet Leven times more fweet;,. and therefore his fpirit rites and (wells againft every probabili- ty of grace. Now the greater Satans rage is againft the probabilities of grace, the more thankful we fhoulci be for the probabilities grace ; tis good to move and crofs to him, who in all his klings loves to aa crofs to the glory of God, and the good of our Souls.. Bur, Fifthly, Confider that from probabilities in outward things, men commonly gather a great deal of comfort, fup- port, quietnefs, and fatisfktion ; when the Phyfitian tells the Patient that tis probable, yea very probable that he will recover, live and do welly.° what' a fupport, comfort, and refrething is this to the Ianguifhing Patient ; when there is but a probability of a good Market, how does the Market- man fmile ; when there is but a probability of good Tra- ding, how does the Tradefman cheer up ; when there is but a probability of a good Voyage, how does the Merchants and the Marriners fpirits rife ; when there is but a probability of a good Harvea, how does the Husbandman ling ; when there is but fome hope's, fome probability of a Pardon for a Condemned man, how does his-I-piths revive, and how does his heart even leap and dance for joy ; and fo when a Chri- ftian hasbut fome hopes, fame probabilities of grace, of an intereft in Chriff, and of being faved, he may well cheer up and maintain his ground againff all fears and doubts,objecai- ons and temptations. Bat, 6. Sixthly and lattly, Confider there is a great deal of grace Exod.p. go, and mercy in Scripture peradventures, as you may eafily fee a Sam. f, I Kings by comparing the Scriptures in the Margent together $aint a, al, Scripture peradventures ought to keep down defpair, and raife