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PfaL gx. 1 Rev. Luke I0,10. Pfal. 771 Pal. $3. I Pet, I. 4, Luke It, /-I0. Aets 16.29 --3f Rom. 1/.33, not fealed in the Court of Heaven, for many a Glarittian has his pardon fealed in the Court of Heaven, before tis fealed in the Court of his (mil Confcience. A Pardon fealed in the Court of Confcience, is that new name and white (tone which God does not give to every one at fist} Converfion ; God will take his own time to Seal:up every Chriflians Par- don iii h's bofome. If you cannot fay that your name is written in the Book of life, yet do not fay that tis not wr:t- ten in the Book of life ; the afciples names were fief} writ- ten in Heaven before Chrift bid them rejoycey becaufe their names were written in Heaven.. A man may have his name written in Heaven, and yet it may be a long while before 'God may tell him that his name is- written in Heaven. I: you cannot fay that the precious Promifes are yours, yet do not fay that they are childrens Bread, and loch dainties that your Soul shall never taft of; tis not every precious Chrifli- an that has an intereft in the Promifes, that can run and read his intereft in the Promifes, If you cannot fay that the heavenly inheritance is yours, yet do not fay that tis not yours, do not fay it (hall never be yours,. A Chriflian may have a good title to the heavenly inheritance, and yet not be ;able to make good his title, to clear up his title ; as a child in the arms or in the Cradle, may be heir to a Crown, a Kingdom, and yet he is not able to make good his title. If you cannot fay that you have Affurance, yet do not fay that you (hall never have Affurance,for a man may want Affurance one year, and have it the next. one Moneth,and have it ano- ther 5 one week, and have it another ; one day, and have it another ; yea, one hour, and have it another. If you cannot fay that you fhal I certainly go to Heaven, yet do not fay that you fball undoubtedly go to Hell, for who made you one of the Privy Counfellors of Heaven, who acquainted you with the ferret decrees of God, &c. Now were this Rule but throughly minded, and confcientioufly pra6tifed, 0 how well would it go with many tempted, troubled, bewildered, and clouded Chriflians I 0 how would Satan be difappoint- ed, and poor fouls quieted, compofed, and refrefhed, But,