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92 a Pet.% z0,21, .2. A Box ,ofprecious. Ointment: Or, which of all unclean things in the Law was the molt unclean, as fome obferve ; and upon this very account a ,gracious foul would be willingly rid of it . Secondly, A conetant habitual willingnefs to be rid of all fin, is an infallible evidence of the truth of grace in the Soul ; 'tis not a tranfient willingnefs to be rid of fin, when a man is either under fome outward trouble, or Come inward diftrefs, that [peaks out the truth of laving grace, but a permanent, biting, and abiding willingnefs to be rid of fin does. Pha_ rah in a fit, in a fright, when Thunder, and Hail, and Frogs, and Flies were upon him, was then willingto let 'Traci go, but when his fright was over, and the judgments removed, he grew prouder and harder than before,, So many men, when they are a little Sermon-lick, or under fome fmart pangs of Confcience, or under' fome fiartling or amazing Judgmems, 0 then they will be willing to let Ifrael go, then they will be willing to let drunkennefs go, and pride go, and uncleannefs go, And worldlinefs go, &c. but-when their fick- nefs is over, and the pangs of Confcience abated, and Judg- ments removed, 0 then they return with the Dog to his vo- mit, and with the Sow to the wallowing in the Mire again. There was a man well-known to a Minifter in this City,who in the time of his ficknefs was fo terrified in his Confcience for his fins, that he made the very bed to fhake upon which he lay,and cryed out all night long,/ am damn'd,I am,dam'd, I am domed ;. and this man in the dayes of .his outward and inward difireffes, made many and great proteffations of amendment of life, if God would be pleafed to recover him; in a little while he did recover, and being recovered, he was as bad, and as wicked, if not worfe than he was before. So in the time o the great fweat in King Ecioards dayes, as long as the,heat,of the Plague lafted, all forts and ranks of people were fill a crying out, Peccavi ; Mercy good Lord, Mercy, Mercp Mercy! Then Lords and Ladies, and other perfo,ns of quality cryed out to the Miniflers, For Gods fake tell us what ate fhall do to avoid the Wrath of God) take theft bags, pay moch to loch a one whom I have deceived, and fo ?mach re- f/ore. l