Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A choice Bed of Spices. 1-05 pray thus, So (fay es he) jhall I be innocent fromthegreat tranf- greffion. Mark, he does not pray thus, Lord keep me from prefumptuouS fins, that fo I may be free from troubles with- out, and from terrors within, or from Hell beneath; but Lord keep me from prefumptuous fins, that fo I may be in: nocent from the great tranfgrellion. -.He 'does not, fay, fo than I be free from the great correolion, but fo (hall I be free from the great tranigreffion. Thars a heart worth gold, that is more fenfible and more -affected with ,the evil that is in fin, than with the evil thatcomes by fine 'Twas a weigh- ty laying of Alflin, That man ffa. yes he) which fears Hell, he doth not fear to fin, but fears tolmrn bmt that man fears to fin,that fears fin as he would fear Hell. (Common Grace never works a man thus to fear fin, but renewing grace doth, Common convictions carry the Soul out to look more on the evil that comes by fin, than on the evil that is in fin ; and hence it comes to_ pafs, that Souls under common oonviolions, are more affected aa,t afili6ted at the fear of Hell, and dread of wrath and damnation, than they are affe6ted or affii6ted at the vilenefs, odioufnefs and hainous nature of Cll. When an unfanctified perfon is ang.y with fin, and chides fin, and falls out with fin, and makes come head againa fin, 'tis ei- ther becaufe it bath crackt his credit, or clouded his honour, or hindered his profit, or imbittered his pleafure, or provo-. ked his friends, or incenfed the Magiarate, or enraged his! Confcierce, or expofed him to illame,difgrace, or contempt' here, and Hell hereafter. B it never becaufe a holy God is difhonoured, a righteous Law trail Cg reffed, a bleffed Saviour frequently Crucified, or the bleffed Spirit greatly grieved. The child will not touch the Coal becaufe it will burn him) and theprudent man will not touch the Coal becaufe it wil11 fmut him. A, gracious -heart rifes againa fin becaufe of -its. defiling and polluting nature, but an unfanctified heart riles ao ainft lin becaufe of its burning and damning nature. A fanctified perfon hates. fin, becaufe it pollutes his foul, but . an unfanctified perfon hates it becaufe it dearayes his foul,' A fanctified perfon baths fin,, and -abhors fin, becaufe it fights againft ,Gods holinefs ; but an unfanctifiedlerfon