Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A 'choice Bed **ca. T21 indifferent nature,,I mutt deny my own liberty; (as I mull) rather than grieve or offend, or wound the-Confcience of a weak Brother for whom Chrift bath dyed. O how much more then mull I-than the 'very refemblance of fin, confider- ing how wonderful apt weak-Chriflians are to be offended, and ambled, when they-fee others fo bold as to venture up- on the appearance of evit, Alexanders klacedonians having offended -him, laid by their Arrns,put on mourning Apparel, and came runnina ° in Troops-to his Tent where, for almoit three dayec together, they remained with loud cries and tears, to teftify their remorfe for offending him ; and 'hall. we make nothing of offending thofe weak Chriftians that are the price of Chrifts bloud, and the travel of his foul, the Lord forbid. Befides, our venturing upon the appearance of evil, may prove a great temptation to weak Chriflians, not only to venture upon feeming evils, but alfo to venture upon real evils; doubtlefs many weak Chriflians have been drawn to, apparent evils, by obferving others to venture upon the ap pearance of evil. 'Tis commonly leen, that when thong; Chriftians will adventure upon appearing evils, weak Chri- flians will be emboldned thereby to 'commit real evils, Cor. 8. 8, 9, IQ. But meat commendeth to not to God, for nei- ther if we eat are we-the better, neither if we eat not are we the Iv brfe, But take beer' any means this liberty of yours become a )(tum- bling blockto them that are weak. For if any man fee thee which haft knilrledg, fit of meat in the Idols Temple, (hall not the Confci= once of him which is weak, be emboldned to eat thofe things which are Pred to Idols? When the weak (hall fee men of know'- lecig communicating with Idolaters in their 'Feans, their Confciences will be emboldned and Confirmed in their old Superftition about thole Idols, which they were beginning to leave, returning now a frefh to a more reverenrefieern and fervice-of them than ever, &c. 0 friends, as you would not offend the weak,,as you would not tempt the wek, keep off from all thews and appearances of evil, &c. But, - R Sixthly, X sSer.S. 3. chap.10. scl St