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I 3 4 A Box .of precious Ointment : Or, 2. In relpect of election or choice, he choofes to obey all. "Pfal. 1 19. 173. Let thine hand help me, for 1 have chofen thy Precepts. The word here rendred chofenfignifies to choole Upon tryal and examination, I have chofen thy Precepts be- fore all, and above all other things. I have chofen thy Pre- cepts for my chiefea good, and for my' only treafure. I have chofen thy Precepts to own them, to follow them, and to obey them. 3. In refpect of approbation, he approves of all the Commands of God, as holy, jail, and good ; he iighly approves of thole Royal Commands that he cannot perfectly obey, Rome 7. 1 z. wherefore the Law 45 holy, and the- C ommandment holy, juit, And good. And Verfe 16. 1 confent unto the Law that it is good ; He affents to the Commands of God as holy, and he confents to them as good. 4. In re- fpect ofaffection, he loves all the Commands of God, he dearly loves thole very Commands that he cannot obey, Pf4/. a 19. 97. 0 how I love thy Law ! Such a pang of leve he felt, as could not otherwife be vented, but by this pathetical exclamation, 0 how love I thy Law ! Yerfe 113. 1 hate vain thoughts, but thy Law do 1 love. Verfe 1 63. 1 hat? and abhor ly; ing, but thy Law do I love. Verfe119. Thou putteft away all the wicked of the earth like drofs,therefore 1 love thy teftimonies.Verfe 117. Therefore I 1pe thy Cononandment.c above Gold, yea above fine Gold. Verfe 159. Confider how I love thy Precepts. Verve 167.. My Soul bath kept thy tefiimonies,and I love them exceeding - ly. 5. In refpect of valuation or efleem, he highly values all the Commands of God, he highly prizes all the Com- mands of God, as you may fee by comparing there Scriptures together, Pfal. 11 9. 72,, 127,12, 8. Pfal. 19. 8,9,10, 11. Job 23. z 2. 6. In refpect of his purpofe and refolution, he purpofes and refolves, by divine affitiance, to obey all, to keep all, PM. H9. toy. I have Porn, and will perf6rm it, that I will keep thy righteo qudgments. Nal. 17.3. 1 am prpofe,ft-tipt,_ my mouth fhall not tranfgrefs. 7. In refpect of his inclinati , L he has an habitual inclination in him to keep all the Com- mands of God, i Kings 8. 57, 58. 2 Chron. 30. 17, i8,19,. 20. Pfiii. 119. 112. I have inclined my heart to perform thy Sta -. tutes alwayes, 'even to the end. 4. In refpect of endeavours, they