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The Epi file Mdicatory. ublick fpirit, when god made a very fair profer to him, Exec!. 32,. to, that he, would make him a great Nation, if he would Itoz,S1 Nla11.14 but Rand Neuter till he had revenged htmfelf upon a 13,14. rebellious people ; but Moles had no mind to prefer.. inmc upon thole terms, he preferr'd the publick good before his own honour, profit and advancement, and therefore follows God clofs, and never gives over ; ver-.13.14. ,ing for them till he had procured their pardon, and !turned away the wrath of God from them. So Jain j°1 'P, 42 was a man of a publick fpirit. When they had made an end of dividing the Land for inheritance by their coafts, the children of Ifrael gave an inheritance to fofhaa the fon of Nun among them. ollnoi might have ferved himfelf firft, and he might have taken as large an Inheritance as he had pleafed, but he preferr'd the good of the people before his owe ; who had di- vided the Land to others, was himflf contented with very mean preferment, for his inheritance was among Hierom. the bairen Mountains, as fame olferve. So Jehoiada Chro2.was a man of a publick fpirit 3 you read that they buried 2,446 him in the City of David among the Kings, becaufe he had done good in Ifrael, both towards God and towards his houfe. Men of publick fpirits fhall be hopoured both Nth° 5".14,15.,living and dying. So Nehemiah was a man of a brave Either io publick fpirit, he holds on twelve years togetherin pub- ' 4. lick work upon his oWn coil and charge. So Either was one "of a publick fpirit., and therefore the takes her life in her hand, and goes in to the it,g with an If I per;fb, I perifh. Andfc Mordecai was a man of a fpi- rit. Mordecai the Jew was next unto Ring Ahafbuzrus, ion 5; andgreat among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude Efth; of his brethren, feeking the wealth of leis people, and fpeaking peace to all his feed. Mordecai was more mind.