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fell ,from :his higheit glory, into a woful gulf of ,fin and .mi- fery. But, ',Fourthly, if your obedience fpring from Faith, then you will endeavour to obey God in the Spirit of the -com- mand, as well as in the letter of the Command. In every. Command of God there is an intra, and an extra, one part of Chrifts Law binds the Flefh, and another part binds the !Spirit, Thou 'halt do no Murther, there is the letter of the t Command. Thou (halt not be angry with thy Brother Without a "SP, there is the Spirit of the Command. Thou. 11241t n5P commit Adfiftery) there is the letter of the Command : Thou alt not look upon a woman to lift after her, there is the Spirit of the Command. The Pharifees of old did not look to the Spirituality of thetaw, but only to the Letter of the ,Law ; they relied wholly upon an outward conformity to the ,Law, when their hearts were full of Hellifh lulls, they were all for the outfide of the Law, they regarded not the infide of the Law ; they were all for washing of Platters and Cups, and for beautifying of Tombs, like an Adulterefs, whofe care is to paint, ,and feta fair face upon a foul matter ; they were allfor paying Tythe of Mint and Annife and Cummin -; but they regarded not the infide of the Law, they omitted the weightier matters of the Law, viz,. Judgment, Mercy, and Faith° .While Paul walked by the letter of the Command, he was blamelefs in his own account ; but when he came to walk by the Spirit of the Command, then fin revived, and lie dyed. Friends, there are the more general duties of. Rel gion, as Hearing, Praying, Reading, Receiviner Repeating, Difcoutfing, &c. Now thefe all lye in the very Matth. S. 244Z. Verfe Phil. 3.6. Rom. 7.9. Could a man come up to all affirmative and negative Precepts in his outward converfation 3 yet it he were not ip,i- ritual in all thefee his obedience would be but as a body without a Soul. The Phari- fees rife high in ietter of the Command, and there are the more inward and tiire'nucte7rdd° Y;, fpiritual duties of Religion, as the exercife of Faith, fear, Chrificc14:1Y aadj fay convinces love, hope, joy, patience, contentation, humble fubmiffion, and chufing of God, and cleating to God, and delightinP. in God, and admiring of God, adexalting of God, and ti g hard after. God, and holy Meditation, and Selr-e.Na- mination, &c, Now all thefe lye in the very fpirit of the 1,Command. Now in the exercife of thefe more fpiritual T 2 duties them, that they wefe Wretched, Adulterirs and Murderers, though they were, not guilty aany fuel outward crimes, .3..