Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

5 8 A Box of precious Ointment : Or, exercifes, and by all wayes of Gofpel-obedience, &c. 8. Eighthly, To the profit and advantage, both of inners and Saints; I. To convince finners, to, filence finners, and to flop the mouths of finners ; let but one man that walks wifely, humbly, circufnfpe6tly convincingly, exemplarily, blamelefly, come into a Town, a Parifli, a Family, made up of drunkards, fwearers, Sabbath-breakers, whore- matters, exc. and his holy walking, will convince them, and condemn them, I Pet. 2. I 2, 15. Chip. 3. 13, I C. 2. To the profit, advantage and encouragement of the Saints. The flri& ex- as walking Chriflian, provokes the flight lode Chriflian to mend his manners, and to order his steps and converfation a- right ; and the lively ,a6tive Chriftian, puts the dull, heavy, fluggifh Chriftian to a bluth, and fpurs and quickens him up to a more lively walking with God ; and the warm, flaming, zealous, burning Chriftian, puts heft and warmth into the cold, formal, frozen Chritlian ; and the free, liberal, bOun- tiful Chriflian,provokes others to be free, noble, and for the fupply of the neceffities of the Saints, 2 Car. 9, 1, 2. Chap. 8. i, 2, 4,'9, 2o, &C. 9. The ninth and Ian (though not theleaft end) is the honour and glory of the great God. God's grace is the fpring, and God's glory is the end of all a Chriflians obedience'; God's glory is the ultimate end, the primary end, the univerfal end, the Sea to which all a Chriftiansaclions, like fo many Rivers, move and bend : 'Tis true, many poor, low, mean, bafe ends, may creep into a Chriflians performances ; but - here mark, I. They are difallowed. _.2. They are loathed and abhorred.3. They are refilled andAriven againfl.4:They are lamented and mourned over. 5 The gracious foul would willingly be rid of them ; if a Chriftian ,might have his choice, he would never be troubled with any Safe end any more. Beloved,you mutt alwayes diflincuifh between a mans fetled and his fuggefled ends ; a 1112.11s ,felted end may be one thing, and his fuggefted end another thing.: Now for ever re- member this 'That the 'neat God alwayes malces a judament of Rom, 141, Pia' .20,2i.