Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

The Epiftle Dedicatory. -,---------,-, --------- dial alwayes wind up the firings too high, or let them down too low. Both of your flaying in London in the time of the lag grea Plague, when death pry' is at every win- dow, and when moil Magiftrates, Miniflers and Peo. ple were fled from their Habitations (the terror of the Lord and tf his judgments being Tay greA t in that day, upon all forts and ranks tf men) and that chiefly, main- ily (if not only) upon 't he account of publick icrvice, and that nothing might le wanting on your fide, to preferve poor creatures (ran perithing. The old Romans for lef- fir fervices than you did in thtfe difmal dayes have fit up many a flatue of trap. 5 tut the Lord is faithfed, and will not forget to reward your wok, your great work, year hazardous work, and that matchlefs love and bawls that you Ihew'd to vet y many that were impoverifted for want of Trade, and to very many that lay in a fick, lang4- ing and dying condition : How free, how full, hcarfea- onalle, how futable, how impartial, hew conliant, artct well regulated your charity then weo,and fin ce bath leen, is very 'veil known to God above, and to June faithful friends //ill alive ; tut all will out in the great day. I Mgt. 21. ,knew you don!: love -that your left hand Pad know wha , hap. 6.3. l'our right hand cloth, and therefore i fhall net provoke you by founding a Trumpet. The ,k, 4 ;leis have then Ezeic.1.8. & hands under their wings, they do much good, and yet .'°' 8° make no noife. There are fome in the world that ar like to them; the Violet grows low and .covers it felf with its own leaves, and yet of all flowers yields the' moll fragrant fmell to others. There are fome charitable Chriftians Mat referable thisfweet flower. 'Gentlemen and Ladies, your refreas and undeferVed favours, :hot have been many wages manifc fled loot c 2 mei&