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The Contents. gratious evidences, he mutt remem- ber that he has to do with God in a Covenant of grace 83, 84, 85, 86,87 Th.. Covenant of grace is 4 Chrtf flans Fort Royal 363, ;64 In the Covenant of grace, God flands engaged to give what ever be requires, which is evidenced by an induCtion of twelve particulars. 364, to 369 The Covenant is everlafling, in two re- fpoEls 37o, 373, 374 The Covenant is a fure Covenant. 370, 37 '1 372 About delighting in God. Five Arguments to prove that no Hy- pocrite can delight himfelf in God. D 322,323 Of defires. That true defires of grace is prate , proved by fax Irgtaments. 170,to17 8 No man can fincerely defire grace for grace fake, but be that has true grace. 178,179,180,181 Noman can finarely defire every. grace, but he that has grace. ,181, 182 No man eau fincerely and gracioufly de- fire grace for gracious ends and pr. pates, but he that has true Frace in his foul. 182, 183 No man canfincerely defire, and earn( f- ly endeavour after the highell pitches of grace, but he that has grace. 183, to 186 No man can algayes defire grace, but he that true grace ,1136., a 7 'No man can fincerely defire to abosend , to. ' abound and excel ?soft in thofe parti . cular graces, which are' molt oppofite and contrary to thofe particular fins which his natural temper,conflitution complexion, 6-c. does moll expofe him and incline him to. 5.. 187,t 88,189 About the dominion of tin, He over whom prefamptious fins have no dominion, is upright. 29 Eight ways for a man to knot,' whether he be under the dominion of fin Cr no. 39, to 48 .Againft truiting in our own duties. Three Arguments 4944 trefing in oh own duties. 374,375)376)377)&6% F. Of Evidences. Sound solid Evidences are the. left way to prevent ddfrifions 4, 5 Two fpecial Rules are fill to be ferioufly. minded in propounding of Evidences for men to, try theirfpiritnal and eter- nal eater by 6,7. Seven Reafons why many men cry down Marks and Signs, and deny fanaifi- cation to be an evidence of mans flexion. 337,338,339, 340, 341 342 'Tis lawful and ufeftel to make hire of gracious evidences. 341)343 Suib Saints as are now triumphing in glory, have made rife of their graciou evidences, &c. 343,3441345.346 Ile that can find but one gracious dence in his foul, be may fafely con- clude that all the refl Gre there. 347 What a Chriliian (toteld do when his evi- deners are fo clouded and blotted, that, he cannot read them.352,3 5 3,3 541 355) 3 56i